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❝just go and freakin order a coffee

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❝just go and freakin order a coffee. What's so hard in that?!❞

Minho started
complaining about
why Seungmin
wouldn't do as
he asked

It was because
of lack of
his confidence

After enough pleading,
Seungmin eventually
gave in and stood
in the queue which
consisted of just
one person. He
seemed to be about
an inch taller than him

Suddenly, he turned
around, almost
bumping into
Seungmin. He had
plump lips and sharp
eyes with a cute little
mole under one to add
onto his looks

Seungmin wasn't
even annoyed that
a handsome stranger
like him didn't

Instead, he smiled
and said,

“That red lipstick looks good on you”

Right at that, Seungmin
felt his heart flutter.
In the spur of a
moment, his cheeks
were completely
tinted as the shade
of his lips and he was
too shocked to reply

The stranger just
smirked at his
reaction and walked
past to take a seat.
It felt strange that
a guy like him was
sitting in a café alone
rather than with friends


Jisung, who was
standing at the
counter, called out,
interrupting his thoughts


"Wait. Oh my god.
Do you have lipstick on.
You look dang boii"

Jisung said.

boyfriend forced me to"

"aww i have such
a great boyfriend"

Jisung said, waving
at Minho, who
waved back.

Seungmin placed
their orders, eagerly
waiting for Jisung
to stop talking so
he could ask
his question

"by the way, are
you familiar with
the guy who ordered
before me?"

Seungmin asked
after Jisung finally

"oh...him? That's
Hwang Hyunjin.
He's hot right?"

Jisung answered,
handing the orders
to Seungmin

"oof. I'm telling

Jisung only giggled
in response

"admit it minnie.
You find him hot too"

Jisung mocked
playfully which
made the latter blush

"Anyways, enjoy
your drinks!"

Seungmin noticed
the short message
written on Minhos
cup but he didn't
bother to read it

Thinking about
Jisung and Minho,
even Seungmin
wanted a sweet
relationship like that.

Hugs, kisses and
each other, being
their for one another.

But he felt like
he hadn't found
the right person yet

"aww how sweet
of my baby"

Minho UWUed
(its 3am and
my brain ain't
reading the message
his boyfriend
wrote for him

As minho kept
speaking Jisung,
Seungmin stole a
few glances at
the boy named Hyunjin.
He seemed to be
scribbling something
in a small notebook.

Seungmin couldn't help but feel like he looked the prettiest.

"He's beautiful"

He commented,
not realizing
that it was loud
enough for the
brunette to hear

"I know, Jisung is
the beautifullest"

Seungmin sighed
in relief. If Minho
would've got to
know who ge was
referring to, he'd
tease him to death


gm im getting l8 for school

Idc cuz im 2kool4skool

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