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One paragraph is disturbing just letting ya'll know

One paragraph is disturbing just letting ya'll know

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Dang I'm early

As usual, Seungmin

reached before the
given time

He sat there, warming
his hands up with the
coffee he ordered

Seungmin lightly
sipped TEA feeling his
phone buzz in his pocket

I'm sorry for informing
so late but I may not
make it on time

It's completely
fine babe

I'll wait for you

I always will

UwU ilysm

And thus, Seungmin
waited. He waited
until he saw a familiar face

'who is that? Where
have I seen them before?'

Seungmin thought,
trying his best to

The stranger turned
to him and Seungmin
noticed his eyes light up.
The tall man made
his way towards him


It seemed more
like a question

I seen you?"


at the mall"

He replied,
taking a seat

Seungmin honestly
didn't want to sit with
a person who he
wasn't familiar with
but he didn't want
to be rude either


Seungmin said,
hinting annoyance
through his tone

He didn't realize
that Minhyun noticed this

"look...I'm not as
bad as you think.
Maybe Hyunjin
exaggerated it"

Seungmin thought
for a while and didn't
say anything

"I was just hoping
that we could
become friends"

ʟɪᴘꜱᴛɪᴄᴋ; Seungmin+Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now