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Following chapter may
be disturbing for some readers

❝babe, I'm home❞

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babe, I'm home❞

Hyunjin said,
quietly shutting the
door behind himself

"You're pretty
late again"

He heard his lover
yell from the living room,
along with shooting sounds

Hyunjin entered,
finding his boyfriend
glued to the tv screen
with empty bottles of beer surrounding him

"How much did
you drink today?!"

Hyunjin asked,
shocked by the amount
of bottles there were

"Oh, not much. Kinda
like eight bottles?"

He said, fiercely
pushing buttons on
the controller without
looking at Hyunjin

Hyunjin sighed
in disappointment

"Babe? Babe?!


Hyunjin almost


He yelled back

"You-You're ruining
your health. It
worries me"

Minhyun paused
his game and got up.
He walked close to Hyunjin

Close enough for
hyunjin to catch the
smell of alcohol in
his breath

Minhyun was slightly
taller than Hyunjin.
His hair were a dark
shade of brown and curly.
His lips were thin
and his moon eyes
held drunkenness in them

Minhyun lifted his
chin up and thats
when Hyunjin noticed
his slightly bloodshot eyes

The two stared
deeply into each
others eyes for a
moment before Minhyun
connected their lips

As their tongues
clashed together,
Hyunjin could taste
the alcohol on his

They parted
for air and kept
their foreheads

"Could you make
that soup recipe
of yours?"

Hyunjin knew exactly
what he was talking
about And nodded

It was hangover soup.
Minhyun didn't know
that, but he liked it

Hyunjin got to the
kitchen readied the

One he was Halfway
done with the soup,
Minhyun walked in
and he gently wrapped
his arms around
Hyunjins waist

He didn't react much
and kept stirring,
only flinching when
he felt his lips on his neck.
Minhyun left sloppy
kisses while his hands roamed Hyunjins chest. He slid
his hand further down,
near his groin but Hyunjin
swat his hand away

"C'mon Hyunie~
I wanna do it tonight"

It really annoyed
Hyunjin, how he
would treat him as if he
was a slave instead
of his boyfriend

Minhyun turned him
around so that he was
facing him and abruptly
clashed their lips together,
Only to be pushed
away by Hyunjin

"First you tell me
to make soup for you
and now you're like
'oh let's have sex'...
what the fuck man?!"

Hyunjin let his
anger out leaving
Minhyun shcoked.
He couldn't hold it
in forever, could he?

"I'm your boyfriend
Minhyun, not something
to objectify. You can't
use me the way you
want became this
is my body."

Hyunjin was almost
about to cry and
before he could,
he left the kitchen
leaving Minhyun

Hyunjin went and
locked himself up
in the guest room
which was always

He was hoping for
Minhyun to come,
lightly knock on
the door and apologize
But no

Hyunjin heard their
rooms door shut

That's when
he gave up

He would've given
him a second chance
but Minhyun didn't
even try

Hyunjin let all
his tears out,
being careful to not
make too many sounds

The room was
completely dark
and filled with sounds
of Hyunjin sniffling

He had decided
to what to do

He pulled his phone out,
his face being
illuminated by
its light




Wasn't expecting
ur reply so quick

I'm literally on
my phone 25/8

Txt me anytime
I'll reply


I just wanted to
ask if we could
meet tomorrow

If you're free

I wanna vent
about something



LMAO my bacc hurts im over 60

My sleep schedule is a mess because i literally have no motivation to do my hw during the day

I complete my work at night

(Yes ive already edited twice)

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