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The following night

Awakened from my nap by someone yelling , I looked out the window barricaded with metal bars to see that the sun was setting and the digital clock that was bolted to the wall read 5:36pm. It was almost dinnertime, I haven't eaten in a few hours and I was honestly starving . Getting up I hear something drop on the floor and looked to see a red iphone laying face down. I scramble and stuff it down my shirt while it continues to vibrate. I forgot I even had the phone, today has been so adventurous and hectic, I can't even understand how I managed to escape this place with a nigga I barely even know. We got fastfood, expensive clothes, shoes and a new iPhone. I lay back down and put the blanket over my entire body and see who's been blowing up my phone. It was Jahseh.

Jahseh: Where are you? Are you in the church?"

Jahseh: You're not in there and I can't find you? Are you in your room?

Jahseh: Bagel! Its almost dinner time.

Jahseh:I hope you didn't lose your phone.

Me: I was sleep. Where are you? Come to my room.

I lock my phone and put it back in my shirt. As soon as I did that, the blanket was yanked off my body causing me to shriek. It was Jahseh. He got here quick as fuck.

"Why was the blanket over your body? Were you masturbating?" He asks. "No, I- Uh, I was texting you." I say stuttering.

"Then why is your hand in your shirt and why are your pants around your ankles?" I look down to see my pants were barely on when they were just on a few minutes ago. "Get your shit together bagel. I wanna go to the church before dinner time." He threw the blanket on the floor and walked out shaking his head. I pulled up my pants and stepped in my slippers and quickly followed him . He was about a few feet in front of me just passing other patients as they tried to call out to him.

I didn't realize how many people who could actually comprehend like me were here. Almost tripping down the stairs to trying to keep up with Jah I finally get out into the garden and head towards the doors of the church . Looking towards the front of the church I see Jahseh sitting criss cross next to the podium mumbling something. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Do you wanna leave?"

"Like we did earlier today? How will we even get out of our rooms?" I sit down in the front pew waiting for his answer. "No. Leave here for good, I know a place we can stay. We couldnt stay in the country we would have to go to brazil or Bora Bora, you know some extravagant shit like that. I stay silent and continue to look at him in utter confusion. Was he serious? Was he joking? Was he some type of rat to try and have me taken out?

"Why do you want me to run away with you? We just met. What would you gain from leaving with me anyway, we literally just met eachother this fucking morning, what is your endgame here?" I question. "Okay, fine. Stay here in this shit hole. Stay here and eat the shitty food and sleep on these hard metal fucking beds and endure the inhumane torture that they put us through but im leaving as soon as I get a chance so you either come with me or you stay Azazel. You know what happens when you get admitted to this fuckin place? You die here, you never leave here. So you wanna die here? Fine with me." He grabs a notebook from inside the pew and walks passed me.

"Jah, wait!" He doesnt stop he begins to walk faster. I couldn't for the life of me understand why he was so angry all of a sudden. I mean we literally just fuckin met, why is he upset that I don't wanna runaway with him? Don't get me wrong I do wanna leave but I barely even know him , he could be actually crazy and once I leave here with him he'd probably end up killing me dismembering my body parts and stuffing me in a freezer next to his toaster strudels or some shit.

Through Heaven and Hell  (An XXXTENTACION fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now