Chapter 2

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Luke’s P.O.V.

 As I was raiding the buffet table, Ben came up behind me and grabbed my butt, making me drop almsot my plate.  Asshole.

I turned and stuck my tongue out at a smirking Ben who just shrugged and stole a bread roll off of my plate.  He was, understandably, in a really good mood.

“Hey! That’s mine.  Why are you in such a good mood ya butt nugget?” I sarcastically asked him as he stole a roll off my piled plate, took a huge bite out of it, and then proceeded to put it back on my plate.

“Thanks bro.” I rolled my eyes and scrunched my nose at the little bit of bread on my plate left there by Ben.  Ben chuckled and attempted to take a shrimp from my plate, but I swiveled the plate around just in time. 

“But don’t you want your brother— who just got married—to have food?” Ben said as he pouted his lip and tried to give a wounded look to me.  He ended up just looking like he ate something bad, making me laugh.

I sighed and said, “Fine. Whatever. Only because it’s your wedding day and I’m not going to be the one shackled with marriage for a long, long time.” as I offered him the shrimp and the last bit of the roll he ate.  

Ben reluctantly took the roll and happily accepted the shrimp as he looked at me like he was in on a big secret that I didn’t know.  “Sure little brother.  Think what you want, but someday you are going to find that special little lady…or man…I do know how you love anything to do with Mean Girls.” he tried containing his laughter, while choking and failing miserably.  

I pursed my lips and tried to smack him, but that was hard to do with my full plates of food. I narrowed my eyes at him playfully and gave him my iciest blue I’m gonna get you later gaze and  said in a matter-of-fact tone, “To be continued. And don’t you dare rag on Mean Girls.  That shit is life.”

I turned to walk back to my table with Ash, Cal, and Mikey as Ben face palmed and chuckled, “Okay.  Whatever you say, Lukey.”  yeah, yeah, yeah.

As I returned to my table with the guys, I was met by smirks as they took in my red, flustered cheeks and neon green colored bow tie that Ben insisted that only I wear.  Asshole.  

Calum tried unsuccessfully to hold in his laughter and was soon joined by Ashton’s giggling and Michael’s sputtering and choking on his Coke.  I put my plates down on the table and put my hand on my hip in the sassiest way I could think of—Jorge would be proud—and pouted my lips like Ben Stiller in Zoolander.  

How do I look gentlemen?” I asked in my deepest seductive voice.  That seemed to be the final straw for them we all bursted into hysteric fits of laughter that had some guests turning to us in curiosity.  They all smiled in amusement and shook their heads before turning back around to continue their own less rowdy conversations.

When the laughter somewhat died down, Calum ran a hand through his hair and smiled seductively as he brushed his finger up and down my bicep. “I think it’s sexy,” he stated as he bit his lip, “…but, you think they have them in men’s colors instead of glow worm color?” he barely got that last part out before he and the rest of the guys were dying of laughter again. 

I just shook my head and massaged my temples in fake annoyance.  Turning my head back up to the rest of the table, I walked around the edge and took my seat next to Cal.  He put his arm on the back of my chair and laid his head on my shoulder as he asked, “Naw bro.  It’s ok.  We all have the right to be as colorful as Mike’s hair.” he grinned and flinched back when I tried unsuccessfully to thwack him, and he all of a sudden looked serious, “…but, you did remember to to get my shrimp…right?”

Damn it.  The shrimp. That’s who that was for.  

My eyes widened slightly and I bit my lip.  Oops.  I shrugged, “Sorry, Cal.  I had the damn shrimp, but Ben ate it…” I chuckled nervously.  Calum had a scowl on his face and abruptly scooted his chair out to get up resulting in a loud squeak from the chair.  

“Where are you going?” Ashton looked up incredulously at him.  He laughed sinisterly and said, “To heimlich the shrimp out of him.  I will have my revenge.”  We all just rolled our eyes as Calum turned to go “heimlich” my brother and Michael tossed out, “Can you also grab me some fruit, bro?” Which Calum responded with turning around briefly and flashing Michael “the bird”.    

Ashton faked gasped and yelled back at Cal, “Jesus man.  There are children here!!!” We all grinned and turned back to our food.

There was something big that was about to happen.  Something to change my life forever. 

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