Chapter 8

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Sage’s P.O.V. 

This was so surreal.  I was leaving the elegant, poshness of Leah’s house and going to pursue my singing career with four really, really hot guys.  This is gonna be so awesome!  I was so excited to do this.  Especially because everyone in this band was so talented and down-to-earth…not to mention they were all hilarious.  

That moment with that blonde boy…Luke?  We both looked at each other and I swear I saw a glimmer in his eyes.  Doesn’t that usually mean trouble?  No, he seems way too nice to ever play those games.  Besides, Leah wouldn’t send me around the country on a tour bus with a group of arrogant, selfish 17 to 19 year boys…would she?  Nahhh.

I was currently chatting with Luke, Calum, and Michael.  I was really trying to come out of my shell and interact with them, even though I felt my cheeks turning an unflattering shade of pink.  I could tell that they were all trying to get to know me better and to make me more comfortable—especially Luke since he seemed like the shy one—in this unusual situation which was really awesome for them to do.  I appreciated it more then they could know.  I could already tell that these boys and I would be really close friends. 

They were all trying to get me to laugh along with them, and they honestly didn’t have to try that hard because of Calum’s quirkiness, Michael’s wittiness, and Luke’s awkwardness which was adorable.  We were then joined by another boy (Ashton I think?) and we turned to leave for the hotel that the boys were staying at.

 I had taken a spontaneous leap of faith putting my trust out there with the guys.  I hoped that I wouldn’t go free falling if they didn’t catch me.  

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