Chapter 23

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Sage’s P.O.V.

“Can that moment be known as ‘Sage’s Ultimate Smackdown’?” I asked them when we boarded the bus again after all of the interviews were finished.  All 25 of them.  I was beat.

They laughed and nodded at me, turning back to their own conversations.  They were still talking about how I punched Chris in the face.  I don’t know what came over me.  It felt like an out of body experience, the type where your instincts kick in and you end up just doing what feels right.  And what felt right was to punch that guy in the face.  That was fun.

They laughed at me and agreed saying things like, “That was so awesome!”  “Can we do it again?”  “Can I sic Sage on my ex?”  I laughed at that last one.

Ashton grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, throwing me onto the couch.  “That was so totally badass Sagey!”

I giggled, my hair all tangled from being thrown.  

Luke plopped down next to me, looking just as tired, and grinned, “I’ve never heard you swear until today.”  I scrunched up my nose at him and frowned, tapping my chin in thought.

“Oh, yeah.  That’s right.  Should I swear more?” I teased, poking his stomach.  He giggled and shook his head, looking down at me and giving me a small smile.

“No. Don’t! I like how you’re innocent and shit.” I fell back laughing on the chair holding my stomach and Luke soon joined me laughing hysterically.

I held up my arms innocently, “Stay classy, Lucas!”  It almost seemed like he was flirting with me.  Nah. He wouldn’t.


After we had all showered, the five of us collapsed onto the couch in exhaustion and decided to put on a movie.  “The Lego Movie” to be exact.  Apparently it was the guys’ favorite, so anything that made them happy, I was cool with.

I was sprawled out in the middle of the couch, my eyes squinted as I tried not to pass out from how tired I was.  The rest of the guys filtered into the room when I put the movie in with arms weighed down my every movie snack imaginable. Plus a few buckets of popcorn.

I nodded my head in approval.  “Impressive.” They chuckled at me and dropped all of the food unceremoniously on the floor.  They were soon to follow, spreading themselves out on the various blankets and pillows on the floor.  

I sat with them since I didn’t want to be sitting on the couch by myself.  Plopping myself down next to where Luke was lying on his stomach munching on some popcorn, he turned to me and smiled around the food in his mouth, offering me a handful, which I took and smiled back at him.

He pulled out part of the long pillow that he was resting on and lifted me up, pushing it under me and setting me back down.  I nudged him with my shoulder.  “Now that was impressive.  Thanks Lukey.”

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