Chapter 29

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Luke’s P.O.V.

Time to go on stage.  I was strung up so tight that I thought I was going to snap any minute.  I had to be on guard to protect Dee from whatever stunt Callie was going to pull.  Something told me that this wasn’t going to be the last time that she bothered us.

I looked down to where she was standing beside me.  When she sensed me looking at her, she looked up and gave me a cautious smile.  She was nervous, too.

“I’ll never let anything hurt you, Dee.”  I said and she nodded.  She believed me so quickly.

“Promise?” she asked.  She was so innocent and sweet.  She didn’t deserve any of this.

“I’ll promise whatever you want.  I’d rather die than have anything hurt you.”  She looked warmed by my proclamation.  I hoped that I wouldn’t let her down.


We were halfway through the set when I saw her.  Callie.  Never thought that I would see her again.  Never wanted to.

By now, I was so on edge that I was missing lyric and playing wrong notes on the guitar.  I had told the other guys about the threatening Tweet, so they were messing up a lot too.  I had also told them not to tell Dee because we didn’t need her stressed.  She would worry more about us than herself and that would be dangerous.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of Callie.  She noticed me looking at her and gave me an evil smirk.  I really wasn’t supposed to hate anyone, but this girl in the front row gave me the closest feeling to hate that I  had ever felt towards a person.

Hurt me all you want, but De was a part of us now and if you hurt her, then you had to deal with us.  Mike, Cal, and Ash felt the same way as well.  I could see it in their eyes whenever there was any hate directed towards her.

I flicked a glance over to Dee and saw that she was giving me a strange look.  Wait…what?  What’s wrong?  If this is about Callie, then she shouldn’t be mad.  It’s not like she has a crush on me anyways.  She looks to me like a brother.  Nothing more.  

She had no idea how much I wanted to be more to her than a friend.  I was in love with her.  Love.  Sage and love were the two words that were the easiest to put together.  If there was anyone in this world to love, it would be her.  

It could never be like that anymore.  Not until this whole thing about Sage was gone.  It hurt.

“You guys are amazing and—“ I started when we had finished our set, but I was cut off by a nasally voice being projected by a bullhorn.  

“There’s a reason why some people hate 5 Seconds of Summer.”  It was Callie.  She was talking directly to me, but cut a few glances to a confused Sage a few times.

She continued when the crowd went silent.  Everyone else had confused looks on their faces besides the few people who were surrounding Callie who had evil smirks on their faces.  I assumed they were her friends.

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