Chapter One Mia

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"I just don't feel like freaking going today mum!" Mia groaned whilst twisting and turning in her bed sheets.

"Well too bad Mia! Get your lazy butt out of bed before I come up there and make you!"

"Shut up." Mia mumbled to herself as she regretfully got out of bed and checked the clock. 6:30am. Sighing she trudged her self into the bathroom and turned on the water. After stripping down she stepped in the hot water. Feeling it run down her skin she soon felt at ease.

She stepped out of the shower as steam came off her skin and spilled out of the shower. Steam covered the mirrors so she wiped it off to see her reflection. Her hazel eyes glistened, and her dark brown hair being wet made her dark purple ends blend with the brown. Her bangs hanging in her eyes just as they always did. She then opened her drawer of makeup and got out the necessary eyeliner and mascara, cause unlike most girls her age, that's all she used. She carefully put mascara on her long eyelashes, and like always she traced the bottom and top of her eye with heavy, black eyeliner. She felt as if it might protect her identity from people trying to get to know her. Mia most of the time stayed away from people, afraid to get close. She has been betrayed, and lied to too many times to go for it again. Her mothers yelling woke her from her train of thought.

"Mia are you done?!"

"Just got out of the shower, I'll be down in a minute!"


Mia hurriedly went into her room and opened her drawers, observing the choice of clothes she had. And after putting on her black bra and panties, like most days she settled on a OfMice&Men band t-shirt with black, scraped up skinny jeans. Along with her favorite shoes: black high top converse. Picking up her Marvel backpack and sliding it over her shoulder, she checked the clock. 7:30am. She scurried down stairs, picking her phone off the table on the way. She jumped off the last one, ran through the kitchen, picked up the piece of toast her mother had left her, and circled back around until in front of the door.

"There you are, oh goody. Lets go!"

"Oh jolly goody!" Mia mimicked her moms chipper tone. She felt her moms gaze burn into the side of her face, but ignored it and walked out the front door. Please let this be a good day. Please let this be a good day. Please, please, please. Mia kept saying to herself in her head.

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