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Recap: Last chapter of Beautiful Creation

Third Person's POV

It had been weeks since Becca had returned. Her and Alec stayed isolated away from anyone else in the Cullen manor. Jasper has explained that she needed space and would come to them when she was ready. Trying to rush her back into their ways and their lives could prove to be catastrophic.

Little Renesme didn't care though. It had been too long since she saw her aunt. While everyone else was distracted by other tasks, Nessie snuck up the stairs and headed straight for Becca's room.

"Auntie Becca?" Nessie asked, knocking on the door.

"Renesme, Get back down here." Bella said to her daughter, but Nessie ignored her mother. She intended on seeing her aunt. The door to Becca's room opened, revealing the slender woman.

"Auntie Becca!" Renesme smiled and laughed herself into her aunt's arms. The House was so quiet, you could hear a pin fall.

"How are you my little bug?" Becca asked, hugging her niece back. Nessie looked to be around the age of 15 at the moment.

"I missed you so much." Nessie said, squeezing her aunt tightly, tears falling from her eyes.

"I missed you too Ren." Becca said back, holding on to the child for dear life. Not one thing Becca went through while in Italy could ever make her harbor ill feelings toward this little girl. Becca loves this girl like it was her own child.

"Promise not to leave me again? I thought you would never come back." Nessie asked, making Becca break down into tears.

"I promise." Becca sat down on the floor, tears falling from her eyes. The rest of the Cullen clan sat downstairs, listening to the exchange in slight shock. Becca hasn't shared any words with anyone since the night she came back.

Becca pulled away from her niece, and wiped her eyes. The little girl smiled at Becca, her eyes bright with innocence. "Would you like to meet my mate?"

"Yes." Nessie said. Alec then walked up to the two, and kneeled by their sides.

"Hi, I'm Alec." He said. Nessie studied him for a second. Images popped into Becca's Head. It was images of Alec standing with the Volturi the day they set to kill her.

"Yes, honey. He used to be apart of the Volturi." Becca said, responding to her niece's thoughts.

"Does that make him evil? Doesn't that make him bad?" Nessie asked. Alec's smile dimmed slightly. He hated his years with the Volturi and he hated what he had done.

"No it doesn't." Becca said. "He was put in a bad situation, where he had to do something's he didn't want to. He had to do certain things to survive. He made the best out of a bad situation." She grabbed her mate's hand, to comfort him. He squeezed her hand in thanks.

"So he's not bad?" Nessie asked.

"I was apart of the Volturi for a little while. I did some bad things too. Just because someone does something bad, doesn't make them a bad person, okay?" Becca said. "Do you think I'm a bad person?"

"No, never." Nessie said with wide eyes. No mattter What Becca has done, Nessie would never consider h r aunt bad.

"Okay, and neither is Alec." Becca responded. Nessie nodded and apologized to Alec.

"It's okay. You were curious, and that's never a bad thing." Alec responded with a smile. Nessie smiled back.

"Okay, I'm gonna go play with Embry now. Auntie Becca, you should let Grandpa Check you out. You're heart is going too fast." Nessie said and skipped away. Becca's heart was beating at regular pace. She had no clue what the girl was talking about.

Becca looked at Alec in confusion. He shared the look for just a second before a realization took over. He looked at Becca in shock. It couldn't be. No way was she...

"Alec?" Becca asked him confused. She heard Edward gasp from downstairs. "Alec, what's going on?"

"I think." Alec paused, "I think you're pregnant."


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