Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Becca's POV

"Why?" I asked them, grabbing one of Alex's hands. Jake looked down at our intertwined hands angrily.

"Get your hands off of her." Jake growled at Alec.

"Jake, come on. Stop." Seth said, trying to calm everyone down. Always a peacemaker.

"No, Seth! He's touching what's mine!" Jake snapped at Seth.

"First of all, I am not a object and I am not yours, Jacob Black." I said angrily. "I haven't been yours for a long time."

"How can you be with him? He helped torture you! He helped hold you captive!" Jake yelled with desperation in his voice.

"Who I'm with us none of your business! Whether you like it or not, Alec is my mate and the father of my child!" I yelled back.

"Oh, please. That's not a child you're carrying, it's a monster!" Jake snapped. I glared at him, clenching my fists.

"Well I'm a monster, so it works out just fine." I said back bitterly.

"You know the Becca I know would never turn her back on her soulmate." Embry spoke up. I turned my angry eyes to him.

"Let me get something straight right now. First of all, Jacob is not my soulmate. I'm not sure he ever was because all he ever did was hurt me, constantly. He used me to try to get to my sister. He kissed her when he was supposed to be mine. He attacked me with intent to kill. So no, we are not mates. We were in an entanglement." My voice void of emotion. "Secondly, stop comparing me to her. Stop thinking I'm still the same Rebecca Swan you grew up with. She's not here anymore. She died. I have evolved into a new person. I will never be your Becky. Not anymore. So until you get that through your thick skull, Embry Call, leave me alone."

With that, I walked toward the car. Alec and Jasper walking protectively at my sides. I just wanted to go home. I was exhausted after dealing with my childhood best friends.

"Seth, tell my Dad I had to go and I'll stop by and see him later." I said. I know my dad would be disappointed that I was leaving without a goodbye but I couldn't stand to be here one minute longer.

"Can I come?" Kaylie asked from behind us.

"Sure." I said and she ran to my side.

"You can stop by later, if you want." I said to Seth and glared at Jacob and Embry briefly, "Alone."

Seth nodded and the four of us climbed in the car. Jasper and Alec climbed in the front, while Kaylie and I sat in the back. We started driving back to the cabin when I had a thought.

"Jas, can we make a quick detour?" I asked.

"Sure. Where?" He asked.

"Matt's." I said. I wasn't sure if Stan had sold it. If Matt's stuff was still there. I needed to go there. I needed to finally say goodbye to one of the best people I'd ever met.

The drive was silent as we headed to Port Angeles. I took this road so many times. I had so many fond memories of being here. I still couldn't believe Matt was really gone. Tears began to fill my eyes as the small house came into view. I got out the car, silently. Thankfully no one followed me out. They understood this was something I had to do by myself.

The outside of the house looked the same. I could still faintly smell Matt's scent. It didn't seem like anyone else had been here for a while, other than Stan. His scent was strong. I imagined he spent a lot of time here. I picked the spare key out of it's hiding place and walked in. When I walked inside, I was hit by a wave of grief. My hands shook as I walked into the living room, remembering the many movie nights Matt and I sat on the couch. All the times we hung out. He was there for me since I moved back to Forks. There for me after my transition. He was the one who helped save my life.

I sat in the couch and let out a loud sob. I grabbed one of the pillows and held it to my chest. "Oh Matt, I'm so sorry. I wish you never had to die. I wish I was here for you, like you were for me."

I don't know how long I sat there crying. Eventually my tears stopped, and my heart was full of pain. I looked around the room and saw a picture on the wall. It was of Matt, Stan, and I one of the weekends I spent here. We were all so smiling hard.

"What are you doing here?" I heard from the door. I looked up to see Stan. There was a loud growl from outside and I knew it came from Alec. I imagined Jasper was holding him back from storming in here.

"Alec, I'm fine." I said, knowing he could hear me. I looked at Stan. He looked so much healthier than the last time I saw him. His eyes though, his eyes had lost their light. "I'm sorry. I can leave. I just wanted to stay goodbye to Matt."

"Why do you think you have that right?" Stan asked, his face contorted in anger.

"He was my best friend. I loved him too." I said, standing up and walking toward the picture.

"You could've fooled me. I thought you didn't care for him anymore." Stan said coldly. "You killed hundreds like Matt, right?"

"I wasn't in my right state of mind, Stan. Matt was always there for me. He was my shoulder to cry on. He saved my life. He was my best friend and I wasn't even there for him in the end." I said, my voice breaking. I looked him, vision blurry from tears. "I'm so, so sorry Stan. I wish I could take this pain away from you."

"Well, you can't. Get out." He said sternly.

"Stan, please." I begged.

"Get out." He gave a harsh glare. "You joined the very people who tortured us. You became one of them. Then you had the audacity to bring one of them to my house. The house that I shared with the love of my life! The man they killed! I don't want to see you ever again! Get out to my house and don't come back!" He was yelling by the end of his speech. I silently made my way to the door. When I exited the house, I turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry." I said which in turned made him slam the door in my face. I sighed and made my way back to the car. "Let's just go home."



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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