Living Nightmare

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Pidge POV.

As I was getting shoved out of my cell the taller one took the chain and walked in front of me while the other walked behind me. I was looking up and down the armor of the Galra soldier trying to find weak spots. When we entered a room.

This room was a mixture of a laboratory and an operating room. There was an operating table on the back left side. But that's not what caught my eye there was a cart different from the other carts. This one had 3 full syringes and empty ones underneath them. The cart next to it had operating tools and other objects on it. One of the walls had different pipes on it most you couldn't see through but one went to a container full of quintessence.

Without hesitation, the guards moved me by the operating table, and as swiftly as possible with me squirming they took off my handcuffs and strapped me down on the table. The restraints on my ankles and wrist were too tight. The small guard was now leaving the room while the other moved to a corner. A purple cloak with white long hair entered the room with a grin. She looks horrible no wonder her name is Haggar. The witch studied me until I broke the silence with "What do you want, witch?" Haggar just laughed at me and then her raspy voice explained "Now if your name is Pidge Gunderson and Pidge Gunderson is a male currently in the Galaxy Garrison. How come when we got you into your new clothes your a girl?" I was shocked at one she knew my name, two she was that my clothes were changed. I didn't even realize but now I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt and black leggings. "Answer me, girl!!" This she demanded. I stayed quiet for a moment we just stared at each other. Now she had drawn her had back purple and black lightning appearing in her hand. I closed my eyes clenching every muscle in my body preparing for the pain. When it didn't come I relaxed my muscles and opened my eyes that's when she let her lightning hit me. I don't think anything would have prepared me for that pain. The scream I had let out high and full of pain. Tears now streaming down my face. Every muscle had begged for me to tell her everything to stop the pain. My heart and my brain were louder. A smile spread across the witch's face because my pain brought her joy as if I had given her, a long-lost son. "Where's the Castle of Lions?" Question after question, spell after spell, scream after scream. "How is princess Allura alive?" "What's your name?" "What's Voltrons weakness?" Each time I refused to answer but the voltage and pain increased until she asked "Do think I'm stupid?" I answered with "What you think you're not?" My smirk faded when she turned to the table that had caught my eye coming into the room. She had selected the syringe full of come orange color. Haggar had come over to me and rolled up my sleeve. We locked eyes for a second but all I saw was hate, burning in the back of her eyes. She started looking for the vein in my arm when she found it she placed the needle on the vein. She looked at me with evil intentions and jabbed in the needle. I clenched my teeth so I wouldn't scream. She injected the contains into my arm and what I saw was horrible. All the paladins were lying down in their blood dead. Matt, my brother, with pure hate in his eyes looked at me and said "Katie how could you! They were your friends, your family. You killed them for no reason." I was in shock and crying "I didn't kill anyone." I somehow managed to mumble. He grabbed a knife from the ground and walk towards me as I looked around the horrible scene. I locked eyes with Matt before he stabbed me in the stomach.

Gasping I was brought back to the table. Haggar was now looking at a screen of what I had just seen. She turned to face me now. "How was watching your greatest fear?" I said nothing "Well I can only guess that your name is Katie Halt if that Matthew is your brother." I jumped at the sound of my name. She grinned she had gotten my name why did she want so bad. The guard that I forgot was even in the room had walked over to me and had taken off the restraints and cuffed me again. I was too weak to walk so he dragged me back to the small dark sell.

Author Note:
Sorry if this was gruesome is was a little much if you don't like that then I sagest not reading this story because there is gore. Thanks for reading I appreciate it!

(851 words)

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