Broken and Bonding

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Galra ship third-person POV.

Months of agony, blood, tears, and injections never could've prepared Pidge for this. Pidge was brought onto her usual session with Haggar. She considered it a stroke of luck that she was able to breathe fresher air than the nasty stuff in her small cramped cell. But a stroke of bad luck because Haggar needed something whether that be information, her to fix something, or to take up time.

Pidge POV.

  Once on the table, Haggar injected a new chemical into my blood but this one hurt less. Something was put on my eyes and nothing happened just then an explosion outside of the ship Shiro and Lance came into the room freed me and brought me back to the castle it was going too fast it didn't seem real. Everyone was off we're was Coran? I asked but no one noticed they all seemed like robots but it couldn't be fake we could touch each other. Shiro said very emotionless "Pidge what happened?"
  I explained everything from my eyes and more about how I missed each one of their personalities. I was there for a week but they all stayed robots. Hunk asked at the dinner table "Hey, what would you say our weakness is?" not thinking just wanting to talk to Hunk, a Hunk I haven't seen in forever, I answered, "When we're not together we fall apart." All of a sudden everything went white and I was back in the laboratory. Haggar said, "Well why didn't you say so, Paladin." With his in her voice. I panicked I had released information, not just any information, big information.
  I was too in my head that I didn't realize that the guards had taken the clamps off my wrist and dragged me back to my cell. My cold dark cell. Where I laid broken

Back at the castle 3rd person P.O.V.

Allura was trying to bring the group back in sync. She called a meeting at the training deck. Hunk was the first paladin to walk in. Coran and Allura being on the same page. Coran asked, "Hunk ah good to see you now can you please sit down overheat." Twiddling with his mustache while he talked. Lance sheepishly walked in. Everyone knew Lance rarely slept anymore. Shiro either made him go to sleep and kept checking up on him or Coran would forcefully use a sleepy gas in his room. Coran directed Lance close to Hunk and sat him down. Keith and Shiro walking in at the same time saw what was happening and took their seats. There was room for two more. The Altens took their seats as well. Shiro noticed that this was the order they were in during the first time they had a bonding experience like this. As they sat in the circle soon all of the paladins realized what was happening. Bonding. "I believe that we've been not connected recently and it's gotten worse in the last few months." Allura's kinda British ascents words hung in the air before Lance said "How do we just move on without Pidge?" "No, no, no we want Pidge here but we need to instead of fighting against each other's help fight with each other for Pidge." Said Coran. They had an open and fun discussion about memories with Pidge. Lance and Hunk talk about the garrison and how Pidge almost punched a stuck-up brat who was teasing a first-year student. Shiro told them how exactly she found her lion and how she meets her back on Earth a week before Kerberos. Keith talks about how she has always been a smart mouth and sarcastic. They all agreed on that one. Allura has talked about how Pidge would talk to her about how rude and inconsiderate the boys could be at times. Which made them laugh. Coran added on to many stories with good detail. Everyone had laughed for the first time in months and Lance had fallen asleep laughing. Shiro brought to his room since he was the only one able to carry him. They all soon went to bed after that.

Sorry, that took so long to get out I was busy with school. Thanks for reading love ya byeeeee.

716 words

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