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November 1970

"Peggy you have to listen to me." I follow her into her office and shut the door. "Something's not right in SHIELD. I know that this project has been your baby and everything, but you know it wouldn't be just anyone that would assassinate President Kennedy."

"You're right not just anyone would want to assassinate the president." She sits down at her desk and shifts through papers.

"I think someone is trying to undermine you SHIELD, trying to destroy everything you've worked for, and bring chaos to the world. There is no one who has done that better than Hydra." She looks up from her documents.

"You believe that Hydra is still in operation?"

"Think about it Peggy, Hydra was originally founded under the Schutzstaffel, which was under the control of Hitler. Germany had quite a few allies in that time and Schmidt wanted to take control it would make sense if the influence spread to other places of the world. Also you have Hydra's former lead scientist working for you."

"Erskine was also apart of Hydra-"

"But he was forced to join because he refused. Zola join out of his own free will." Peggy stares off into space.

"You know quite a bit of this."

"Well, I have a lot of time since I'm not fighting anyones war. Zola has always gone out to protect himself, but I see his health slowly declining. I know you and Howard believe you need to save his mind, but then he'll-"

"Diana I think I've heard-"

"If you will just let me finish-"

"Diana!" Silence follows after her volume increases. "I've heard enough. I will look into it myself but for now go and get ready for your party."

"You're still coming?" She nods her head. "I'll see myself out then." I exit Director Peggy's office and make my way down the cramp hallways. Further down the hall I see a small little german scientist walk towards the information centers at the end of the floor. "Dr. Zola." He barely acknowledges me. He gives me an uneasy feeling, one that I haven't been able to shake for years. I make my way out of the hidden compound, going through every security measure.


I walk up to Howard and Maria Stark's mansion. I walk through the door where hundreds of guest miggle and chat. I make my way into the foyers and find Howard and Maria with drinks in hand happily chatting with some type of general of the US military units.

"Diana!" Howard quickly places kisses on both of my cheeks. I give a brief hug to Maria.

"Mr. and Mrs. Howard I can't begin to thank you enough to throw my this wonderful birthday party." I put up a dazzling smile. Truth be told, no one knows the date if my birth so they celebrate the day that I came into this world.

"Anything, for a dear friend." Maria politely says.

"Diana I would like you to meet General George Hamiltion of the Army." I turn to look at the General and extend my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you General." He lifts my hand to his mouth and plants a kiss upon it.

"The pleasure is all mine Diana." He looks around the room. "You seem to have plenty of friends."

"Oh, these people are not my friends. In fact, I tried to prevent this party but alias I was unsuccessful."

"Everyone should celebrate their birthday with someone." Howard starts to defend the party and I give him a pointed look. "Even if the someones are people you don't know. Just grab a drink and try to relax." He hands me his drink. I take a sniff of it.

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