Chapter 8~

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Eunwoo's POV~

I ruined again, I fucked up again.. Why Dong Min? Why do you have to be a Fuck up?!

Here's your order sir.. Where's Y/N?

She said her lunch is going to be took out.. Please pack the crab and shrimp please..

He nodded.. I started to eat and then I receive a text..

Yah, dude.. Y/N's crying! What did you do?!

Sht.. I feel so bad.. I'm such a fuck up for her!


I brought her lunch and went to Taehyung's house since Taehyung told me to.. Y/N's at his room playing with his phone and I'm just there, talking to Taehyung..

*His house*

Is Y/N okay?

Do you think she is?

Look, I accidentally got jealous and got mad at her..

Yea but you know you should be careful with your words..

Why is he saying this? He's like..protecting her? Does he like her?

Tsk.. Why do you care, Taehyung?

She's my friend, Eunwoo..

Friend? Or GIRLfriend?

Friend.. Friend..

Y/N's POV~

Well, at least I get some rest at his comfy bed.. And I know Tae invited Eunwoo and.. I don't know..

I heard them fighting, I didn't wanna go down and stop them.. I'm too weak to do it..

Well.. These boys need to stop swearing..

I went down and saw Taehyung's forehead bleeding but still fighting.. And saw Eunwoo's lips bleeding from Taehyung's punch..


They both stood straight and stopped fighting..

Who disciplined you two like this?! Me?! Your parents?!

Common answer when you're being scolded, SILENCE

They look down at the floor and played with their fingers..

Taehyung, I've known you for SO long and you've never acted like this! Why?! And you! Eunwoo! I've never seen you fight nice people! And I never thought of Taehyung!

Eunwoo was raging again.. I could tell as he is turning his hands, to fists..

And then you're going to be mad at me for scolding you?! Eunwoo I'm older but your more mature! I was looking forward for your maturity to show it to others! What did you do?! Fight with one of the most nicest guys?! I'm not your mom but I'm telling you the right way to do things!

He calms down.. He looks at me and I just look at him.. Taehyung sat down on his couch and wipe the blood stain that was on his forehead..

Eunwoo runs toward me, hugs me, and cry on my shoulder..

I'm sorry, please forgive me.. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..

I sigh deeply.. I hugged him back and pat his back so he could calm down..

D-do you still love me?

Yes, but it doesn't mean I forgive you just yet..

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