Chapter 15~

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We both cuddled and you know.. Just scroll through messages from before..

Elementary, Junior High and Senior High...

I love all the romantic things he said to me.. Well, he was kind of embarrassed when we recall about that..

Jagi~ Please let's do something else!

Ahaha~ Okay~

I went on top of him and peck his lips.. No, I wasn't needy..

I tickled him and he started laughing out loud.. He accidentally hit my tummy.. The fetus..

Oh.. My.. Jagi, I'm so sorry..

The baby..

Jagi.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to..

I-I think it's okay..

I hope so..

Let's do something else..

I went down off him and I was kind of scared..

He kept apologizing and I kept forgiving him.. But I think it's okay..

We both went down to eat food, we didn't eat breakfast yet..

I saw the whole crew downstairs, I was frightened..

Why are they here?

What are you guys doing here?

"We just wanted to know if there's any news coming from the both of you.." Jungkook said with a smirk.. Everyone laughed.. "I.. Uhmm.." I didn't want to tell them.. But I have to, though.. "Uhmm.. Y/n is.. Pregnant.." Eunwoo said while massaging my stomach..

Yeeeeeeeeeeee~~ Gender???

I don't kno--


I mean, we don't know yet.. I just realized last night..

"Hey, I'm an uncle!" Moonbin said. "And tell me if what's the gender and when's the baby shower!" He added. "Hey, I'm the first uncle!" Jungkook said to Moonbin.. Uhh.. What's going on?

"Hey, hey, you guys could both be the uncle? Of course the decision of the mom.." Momo stopped them. "Uhmm.. Could you let me, Y/n and our baby eat?" Eunwoo started to rage, but I didn't want him raging to I just pushed him to the table..

"So Y/n.. Taehyung's alive.." Momo's unexpected news made me jump out the table..

"HOW??" I mean, he gave up.. "We saw him standing earlier at his garden.. We took him to the hospital and now he's confined.."

Jagi, could we please visit him? Please..
Change to your leggings and maybe I'll go with you..

Thank you~

"Wait, Momo you're not joking right?" I make sure first before I go there.. They might be fooling me to just make me hurt.. "You want to see his picture at the hospital? He said he also wanna see you.." Momo confirmed.. The two boys stopped.. And they nodded.. Well.. I hope they aren't fooling me..

"Wait, he wasn't dead?"

"I don't know.. But we saw him walking going in his house.. We also saw dirt on every part of his body.."

Jagi.. Hurry up..

Wait, I'm just gonna chat someone..

Who? Someone who?

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