Chapter 10~

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--1 month later

It's been one month since we've talked..

One month since we've seen each other..
One month since we've kissed..

One month since we've cuddled and hugged..

One month of silence..

Eunwoo keeps texting me, but I keep on just seenzoning him.. I'm still hurt, but the hurt is starting to fade away..

I want to say sorry to him, hug, cuddle, kiss, have fun with him..

And this is the day..

For the past month, I still go to our house to get clothes and secretly see what's Eunwoo doing..

He's been crying..

I eat at Tae's house since his house still has a lot of food..

No, I will not leave it abandoned..

I own this house and I'm going to go and rent it for other people..

Taehyung said I'm the owner of his house, yes..

I could see him, not joking..

He'll sleep beside me and comfort me while I cry every night..

I'll let Taehyung rest and I'll go apologize to Eunwoo..

I'm the fuck up this time.. Not him..


After packing up, I walked to our house since it's just near..

I inhaled before I knocked to our house..

A 2 story house, to be specific..


Eunwoo yelled..

He opens the door and our eyes started to tear up..

I hugged him real tight and I cried on his shoulder..

He cried as well but not hard as mine..

He pats my back and I started to calm down..

I-I-I'm so-sorry..

He first let us in and we both sat on our wide couch that could be a bed..

So, Eunwoo turned it to a bed and he did turn it to a bed..

We both later down and then talked..

You know, I've been waiting to see you for a long time.. I tried to go on Tae's house, but I think you need some time alone..

Tears started running again..

It's all my fault, I will always blame myself..

Eunwoo didn't kill Taehyung.. I did..

I ignored the screaming and yelling, that's why..

He wipes my tears and strokes my hair.. I didn't budge because I finally felt it again..

I'm sorry..

Don't say sorry, Bb girl.. I was too impatient for your answer.. And I know I should wait..

I nodded..

So.. What if I'll answer you right now?

Oh God..

I could tell he has a boner.. I don't know why..

I-I'm sorry.. I-It's just sudden..

Okay then..

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