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We arrived home and they just flop down the couch and played with their phone..

Eunwoo didn't even help me open the door even I'm already struggling with these paper bags!

Hey, do you want to be a responsible father or what?!

Jagi, I'm tired..

Oh, so you think I'm not tired?!

Jagi, I'm not saying it like that..

You wash dishes, sweep the floor and fold the baby clothes before you play with Taehyung and Jungkook..

What about you?

Me? What about ME? I'm gonna go rest..

I walk upstairs, mad at Eunwoo. I smash the door shut as I heard him complaining..

At least a little rest when I arrive at my own house? I drive, do the bills, buy the food.. What else? Sigh..

I was hurt.. I'm upset and heartbroken.. Why would he say that? Doesn't he understand? I'M PREGNANT WITH OUR BABY!

I cried on our bed

I went downstairs just to slap his face and pull his hair while Tae and Jungkook was trying to stop me..

Jagi, what's wrong?

What's wrong?! What's wrong?! You're always complaining! Don't you understand that I'm pregnant?! I can't do everything for you! I carry the baby, I need to eat healthy, I need to sleep, I need to not be stressed, not be depressed, not to do a lot of stuff! But what do you to to help me? Nothing! All you do is leave me alone and do nothing! Make breakfast cook lunch and dinner! Prepare your clothes! Get your phone, the remote control! Even if I'm tired and don't wanna eat out, you'd force me to eat out since you want to eat out! What?! Is there something wrong with my cooking?! Why don't not you tell me?! So I could improve and be your chef! Be the kid's chef! Be the family's chef! I don't want to hire any other woman because I don't want to waste money!

Tears were scrolling down my cheeks while Tae and Jungkook were holding my shoulders..

Eunwoo was tearing up and just wiping it off..

What? What's still lacking? Another girl? Am I important? Am I even still important to you? What's lacking?! Tell me right now so I could finally fill up your heart with what you want!


Don't you Jagi me right now!

He just wipes his tears that were on his cheeks, trying not to sob.. I was so big now and Tae was already patting my back, as I hug Jungkook and sob on his shoulder..

Eunwoo, you said she's already the one.. Your vows? Your promises? She gave everything for you, isn't that enough to fulfill your heart?

Tae I.. I'm just so tired.. Because you know, the gang's plan..

Eunwoo, quiet.. We don't wanna spoil..

Jungkook comforts me and let me drink water he got for me..

I stop crying and Eunwoo hugs me, I start crying again..

He comforts me with his pats on my back and kisses on my forehead.. He's mean, but he is sweet..

Guys, you could leave, I'll take it from here..

They nodded and they both went to Tae's house..

Only His, Only Mine || Cha Eunwoo FF [✔]Where stories live. Discover now