Part 1

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Story starts from, abhi was shifted from Lonavala city hospital to Mumbai

(Characters are same as in serial, this is continuing from Abhi met with accident while they were in Lonavala n lost his memory)

PS: If still many of can't relate then let me know I will post in next part n brief about past story n characters

(I'm taking 4days leap,)

It was dark room filled with fading sobs of alive yet lifeless Pragya, its third day that she locked herself in room, from past 3days she didn't came out even once, only the words from dadi, doctors, taaliya n her mom running in her mind

"He doesn't remember anything that happened in last 2yrs, pls don't try to revive his memory,putting stress on his mind at this point can be fatal," informed doctor,

" my love was true so He only remembered me n not you, now I will be his wife n marry him, finally I'm back in MM n you are out, from this house n from our life forever," smirk Tanu

"I'm back, aaliya prem Mehra, rockstar's sister, Now he is only going to listen to me, his little sister, I will make him my slave n make him marry me to Purab" saying so aaliya gave devilish smile

"Beta, I respect your feelings towards abhi but right now it's not correct time, you will have to hide all your feelings n live like strangers to him" said dadi regretfully

"Have hope in God, everything will right back as it was, you just have to wait, what is abhi's Mistake in all this, infact because of him you are here with us, you will have to sacrifice your love for him n please don't even try to contact him, listen to your dadi n give him time, he will remember you one day" sarla maa n beji tried to make Pragya understand

Pragya to herself,"Fine, if everyone wants me to forget abhi, i will, like just because he forgot me, I should also do same thing, I don't care dam about abhi I will forget him, (she literally crawls towards RS n Fuggie dolls) but forgetting him is like forgetting myself, how can i," n hugs dolls, as she tried opening door, she shouts for one last time,"abhi I love you" n she fell on floor fating on entrance of room

Sarla maa n beji came running to her after hearing her voice, they were shocked to see Pragya in pool of blood, maa quickly calls Purab but he didn't picked up the call ( he was busy with abhi's discharge formality at hospital) just then Janki came from market n all three took Pragya to hospital

As they reached hospital,

Nurse n ward boy puts Pragya on starcher n moving her in n at same time abhi was going out, she was still holding her dolls firmly, he noticed that n was looking at her ( her face was covered in blood) just then fuggi doll falls n Pragya was shifted to OT, he picks up doll n was about to go, raj bhaiya calls him to car n Purab sees maa ( calls raj that he will come later)," maa what happened, why are here n crying??" Inquired Purab, " betaji Pragya, she fell down n unconscious....., blood,.....abhi......Pragya" tried saying in broken sentences between her sobbing

Abhi in car was looking at the doll n thinks," so cute but why this glasses," n removes n stares again at doll n says," you look beautiful with this glasses, chashmish goodiya" raj bhaiya turns sees doll," from were did you find it"
" at hospital, while I was coming out, some patient dropped it" he told still glazing at doll, ( Ho god that means she must be Pragya then n she maybe met with accident or maybe she tried to do suicide, but without any reaction to abhi) raj bhaiya ask him," give it to me, It has blood stains, I will wash it n return it to hospital tomorrow "
Abhi keeps glasses with him n about to give doll to him but he say we wash it at home first then give it to her ( raj don't know that abhi kept glasses with him) n they finally reached home

Dadi welcome him with heavy heart but abhi thought all this tears are out of happiness that he is finally home,"go n rest to your room, I will get your coffee" said dadi looking away from abhi, he managed himself to his room which was kept just it was 2yrs back with his life size pic behind bed n bar counter where Pragya books were there, he went to his walk in closet to change n finds 2-3 selfs empty n thinks,"why it's empty, I never had any empty space in my closet" he then goes to washroom to freshen up, but surprised to see coffee beans, " Why I have coffee beans in washroom, I like my washroom smell alcohol but this smells too good" he brush off thoughts n took bath, when he comes out , dadi was ready with coffee for him, he thanks dadi n takes sip n makes faces,"dadi what's wrong with you, I spend few days in hospital n you forgot how to my coffee" pouted abhi like small child,"I have not forgot but you have" wipes tears from her face n left before abhi could answer her,"shuts I made her cry," saying so he went to sleep

Here at hospital, Purab n maa were sitting n beji had gone home with Janki, just then raj bhaiya comes n says everything to Purab
" as far as I know abhi, he would definitely ask to come here tomorrow, to meet her, we have to shift Pragya di to other hospital" said Purab with concern,"you are right, betaji? We have to keep them apart so that they can unite forever " n maa agrees

Next day

As Purab said abhi was thinking of going to hospital n giving that doll back, but he thought," she seems to have seriously injured, I should go after 1-2days, by then she will be alright n I will give her doll" suddenly he remembers about glasses he had taken off from doll, he removes from his track pants n looks at it, he gets flashes, a girl about to fall, he catches her n she adjust her glasses
"What kind of dream is this," n was called by aaliya," Bhai, look who has come to meet you"

**************Precap ***************

"I'm sooo much happy to get back my doll, thank you so much, this was my husband favourite n mine too, thanks thanks a lot" pragya kept on saying
then abhi cuts in, " what's your name"
"Pragya, n yours"
"Abhi,abhi the rockstar "

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