Part 7

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Hey people have updated my other story woh Ek pal please do read,

Next day, early morning around 4am, Abhi woke up with sweat buds all over his face, he had vision, "Pragya was in bridal wear bride (he smirked shamelessly but soon it turned into nightmare) he saw Suresh ( well he didn't know that he was Suresh) seating next to her, he himself was tying knot ( gathbhandhan —ritual done right before marriage) he instantly opened his eyes his told himself, " god...... no This can't be true... she can't be married to someone else....or this is this is too much, I have to deal with this memory loss problem"

he himself instantly started his journey to back to pune, he didn't even bother to take driver this time but on his way he had massage Purab to come pune, as he is feeling stressed n going to meet Doctor in afternoon,

abhi was very excited yet little nervous to meet doctor, he reached pune by 8am, and he directly parked car at hospital, n was seated for while, he took his breakfast in car itself, he wanted to wait till Purab arrives but it was almost 10 am n Purab was taking him ages to reach pune, so with out wasting time further he steps inside hospital, he inquired about doctor n directly goes to his cabin

"hello Dr Singh" said with excitement

"Hello Mr Mehra, I was informed that you will be coming by 10am"
replied with same excitement

"ya, it's already 10.01" he shows his wristwatch

"( both laughs) I thought you being celebrity, you will come at Indian standard time," he joked

"that's why I'm here, n I'm not celebrity but lost soul.....I have lost my memory of last 2.5 yrs, very thing...... that happened in between these years" said with little pain in his voice

"ok, tell me very thing right from you came to senses n till now"
He assured him

"( tells him about each n every thing, including some visions) I'm feeling helpless at times, n can't live like this" he tried his level best to convey his problem

"I don't know ......I'm confused about you.....should I tell you this or not, you can even get shock but Im telling this on my risk,( takes deep breath, n arranges some medicines) First Of let me tell you, I'm not much into your type of music, but my Nephews don't know much about you, but I had read somewhere that you were married but you divorced her to marry famous model and your long time girlfriend Tanu"

" girlfriend....but if she is my girlfriend then why I keep on getting visions about my wife, n tanu, all I remember is ...she is my sister's friend that's it"
He was hell shocked, he couldn't believe what he heard, he remembered Tanu but as friends

"thank god you didn't faint, (laughs) I or you don't have control over our visions, maybe you loved or hated your wife way too much then Tanu, that's why your subconscious mind keeps reminding you of Pragya"

"it's love .... I love her, I love my wife....ok doctor, way, I can't hate her, I felt so connected when I first saw her after My met accident"

" than can you be so sure??" Dr Singh argues

"( tells all about him meeting her n she said he met with an accident as he was trying to kill her) I'm 100%sure she was lied" he tries to prove his point

"it can be true, see I told you, you maybe hated her way too much, n if you love her n she is carrying your baby then why would you divorced her, why??? Think... think Mr Abhishek Mehra"

"did I marry Tanu??"

"no, I didn't read that"

"so if I divorced Pragya then why won't I marry Tanu ?? There is definitely missing something between all this, I got vision today morning that she is getting married to other guy n I'm doing their guthbandhen, but this absurd, why would I do such things when I know that I was shot, I mean she was being shot n I saved her, ( he grabs his head n faints)" He faints before completing his sentence

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