part 8

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As They entered in his apartment, they straight went to bedroom, Pragya was laying in pool of blood, abhi screamed his lungs out "FUGGIE"
All old memories of how he kept her name fuggie came flashing in Abhi's mind, he grabs his spinning head,

"Abhi, relax, nothing happened to Di" Purab made him seat on couch n gave water

he looks at him in complete shock,he tries to say something but before he could say anything, he faints again

" I told you it's not good idea, your doctor is mad, if something happens to him, I will sue this doctor, for suggesting such stupid idea, n risking his life," she came screaming at Purab n cups Abhi's face n kisses his forehead


She was worried about those goons, standing down at her apartment n calls Purab who was at hospital with doctor

Pragya: Purab, I'm very afraid, don't know what to do??

Purab: what happened Di??

Pragya: there are 2goons following me since yesterday, I'm hell scared, what if these goons are send by aaliya or Nikhil Tanu..... harm my baby

Purab: relax Di....don't worry, they are my man, I asked them to keep eye on you, as I was worried about you, that day you sounded wired so I thought to keep bodyguards for you

Pragya: can't you tell me first

Purab: if I would have told you then you would have asked me what's need that's why I didn't inform you

Pragya: where are you??

Purab: I'm here in Pune itself I was about to call you, I'm at hospital ( tells all what happened till now)

Pragya: you wait there I'm coming

Purab: but

Pragya: no if n but, I'm coming
Just then doctor took phone

D: Hello Mrs Mehra, I'm doctor Singh here, there is nothing to worry

Pragya: is he ok??? I want to meet him now itself

D: you want him to get his memory back, then listen to me, do one think, act as if you have suffered some kind of accident, Purab will get abhi there n he will be shocked, maybe with that he may get some old memories

Pragya: what??? Have you gone nuts ...I'm not risking his life, this is upsurge

D: believe me it's better then giving him electric shock

Pragya: are you sure??

D: we have to take chances

Purab: do as doctor says, he also suggested that I should tell him everything about his past, like what all happened, so pls Di

Pragya: fine

She then puts red colour on bed n on herself n lays on bed

Flashback ends

Doctor comes with nurse n quickly gives him injection, all wait for him to get conscious, after almost 2hrs he comes to senses n again shouts ,"FUGGIE" where is she??"

Purab: she is alright!!

A: are you out of your mind, she was in pool of blood n you are telling she is fine!!!

Just then she entered room,he was still in conflict, "is she really here fit n fine or am I seeing things" he talk to himself, n finally he slowly touches her on her cheeks n was overjoyed, that's she is fine n with little hesitant

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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