Part 6

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Thanks for appreciating but I'm not fully satisfied with votes, either I'm not that expressive n creative in my writing or you all not that excited or interested with my stories

Anyways, here's next part with almost 2000 words, I know it's short update but what can I do..... I really atried my best to squeeze time n write, as my anniversary n birthday falls in same week So was little busy 😊😊, by the way today is my 🎉🎉🎉Birthday🎉🎉🎉,
Next update is going to be turning point n second last part, I had planned it for 10 shorts but have squeezed it into 8 shorts only

Now without much delay here is part, I'm still confused with aaliya, should she continue to be evil or turn Cupid????


Next day early morning, Abhi was arguing with inner self, He was hell confused about his vision, about him getting shot n that too for saving Pragya, then falling off the cliff, "if We fell from cliff then how we are alive, or this is reason I got memory loss??? But all told me it's was due to car accident, but all also lied about me being married??? Why Nobody told I was married to her, even her mom didn't utter a word, How I'm going to face Dadi, she must be knowing about my rude behaviour towards Pragya, oh god now weather I should go Mumbai or wait here for little more time", but after much thought he finally went back to Mumbai, he was determine to keep his visions Secret so he didn't share to anyone about coming to Mumbai he directly went to see doctor without anyone knowledge,

He reached city hospital by 11am, rushed to Meet their family doctor Kapoor, as soon as he entered, he started explaining that he gets vision of his past but didn't tell anything in detail about vision, n explain what he read about treatment, n expressed he wants hypnosis to be done so that he regains memory fast, he literally begged, "pls doctor, I can't live like this, I will go mad, it's like I'm living in hell, now this is torturing me, please Dr Kapoor you have to help me in this, please Dr Kapoor"

He was surprised as well as shocked, he knew everything but was helpless, plus aaliya had warned him not to utter a word about Abhi's past.......he thinks for while..... comes to conclusion that at lest he can help without anyone knowing, he pondered,
"I think ...... you are right, we have to take risk, but in all this you may or may not get memory back, you can't push yourself to think that hard, it may damage your brain further, you may even forget what you already know"

"I'm ready to take that risk but can't live like this, helpless" he literally joins his hand n almost touch his feet's

With little embarrassed, n doctor makes him sit on chair
"Please rockstar, i will help....... I know Dr Singh, he can help you, but ....."

Abhi cuts in, "....but what???"

He tries to explain,  "you have to get admit there, I'm afraid that you can mange this without telling your family??
He indirectly referred to aaliya, he was worried about aaliya's interference

Unaware of aaliya's past, he asked him with determination
"I will, tell me when n where???can I meet Dr Singh"

"in Pune"

Abhi's smile reaches his ears, he smirked "really, that's great, fix my appointment next available for tomorrow morning, I will make some excuse to my family n go"

"great then, you will have to stay there for around 10 days or may be even more" he explains

"that's not a problem n thanks"

He leaves n warned his driver about not telling anyone about him visiting doctor n if someone asked then tell they directly came Mumbai n ask him to drive to his house

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