Part 5

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Happy New Year to all beautiful people, including silent readers, as I promise I posting today

Tomorrow will update AMOUR, please read it

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Next part on 16 January, this is 2500 words, without much time wasting, here is next part

2days passed, abhi was pissed off, as robin was not picking his calls, n specially after today late morning, He was feeling restless, he took some pills n slept or should I say over slept, it was almost late evening, he woke up with sweat buds all lined up on his forehead, his breath got uneven, he held his head between head n tries to recollect what he just saw in flashback,

it was same bedroom, his same bedroom in Mumbai, he walks towards Pragya till she hits his wardrobe, he sensually caged her, n traces his thumb on her lips, she tries her best to take her eyes off him, but his intense glaze n desperate attempt to make her agree that his touch affects her,  shivers runs down her soul, she still continues to disagree n tries to push him, there were no words exchanged, just their eyes spoke but he is so tempted My her luscious lips, who are teasing him, he finally takes in, n dominate her, Pragya who fails miserably in attempt to show his presence doesn't affect her, finally she too responded with equal passion but as soon as she deepened kiss, he pushed her hardly n tells "I told you I have that effect on you" n he walks out room, leaving her in humiliation,

(Readers this above scene is not exactly same,
time period- during MMS track,
in original scene he does not kiss her but leaves. Ps it's from episode 167)

that's it he had enough of this, it was hell confusing n curses himself , "God, How can I be so heartless, self-centred, insensitive, worthless, she must have felt so humiliated, hurt, insulted, but wait what was she doing in my bedroom, she was wearing kumkum, n mangalsutra, I saw it clearly, so is she married to me ??? or someone else, why I behave in such a way??, I will go mad, I have to try continue calling robin"

He calls him again but now it was switched off, so he calls dadi to know about robin, n comes to know that he fell from stairs n was on bed rest, he feels devastated after few moments he gathered courage n decides to meet Pragya today itself, he called his driver, today nothing was working in his favour, driver told its already 11pm, he thought maybe Pragya would have slept, so he decided he do that first thing in morning

(It was Robin's plan, he acts as if he fell from stairs, n he takes leave for few days, he even switched off his phone after Abhi was calling again n again)
Next day early morning around 6am, he woke up with shock of his life, what he saw was unbelievable, " this can't be true, there is definitely more to it, I should not come to any conclusion, maybe it's not vision it's my dream, she is pregnant with my child only, what I saw can't be true for sure, she is not such kind of girl, why will she have affair with someone else, I'm such loveable person, girl die to be with me, I'm only rockstar in this world, I know how to woo my girl, (he kept on Praising himself for while n come to conclusion) yes ....yes's just dream" keeping that in mind he himself drove to her place

Vision which took his breath away

Abhi fumed "how can you sleep on my bed, that to with your lover, how dare you!!!" He caged her to door at his room entrance, n
He starts touching her with lust, anger, hurt, asks if her lover touched her like that and says, "even I wants to do whatever your love did to you, even I want to feel you". She pushes him and tries to walk out of room . He demanded, "Im your husband and I have full right on you" his voice echoed in whole room, He again starts touching her body with lust or hurt, it was little difficult to understand, was he hurt because of his male ego , or it was lust???,

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