Chapter two!

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That afternoon I took Sunny to the lake, it was that time of the week where he would need a bit of a clean, only thing is, he hates it! As a fire beast, naturally water isn't his best friend.

I was walking through the forest with him in toe, we couldn't take the main roads because of people seeing Sunny, and the first thing they'd do would be to go for his head! And if they did that... Well let's just say they won't have a head either!

We stayed close, but as soon as Sunny could sense a familiar setting of which reminding him of the lake he started to lag behind, and eventually he just plain stopped. I turned with an annoyed sigh on my lips, "it's only a little splash is water!" I told him, walking behind him and pushing that giant butt of his, yet he wouldn't budge. "Come on man, it'll be fine, I promise!" I told him pushing again. He sat down defiantly, as of to tell me he seriously wasn't going anywhere. I half expected him to cross his front legs and huff!

Well, I was going to have to do this the hard way! "Fine." I shouted, standing and walking off into the distance. As soon as I was out of sight I heard his little groan as he slipped up beside me. I smiled to myself, proud of getting him to follow me, even when there's water involved.

He surprised me when we got to the lake, he actually managed to get there with only one sitting session! But it wasn't surprising when he sat at least twelve foot a way from the lakes bay. "Ahw, Sunny, you made it so far!" I laughed, walking to the water and cupping my hands around it. I heard Sunny start to hiss and I laugh again, thinking he was wary because last time I splashed him... But when I heard it again, I wasn't so happy with the way he sounded. I turned immediately one hand on my knife.

But a measly knife wasn't going to get us out of this one. I realized this as I looked at the ten or so knights surrounding us. They were different to the ones I had taken out before- these ones were covered in a black metallic amour, from the head down, with big shields made of the same material.

I felt my adrenalin start to pump through my veins. "Sunny!" I shouted, preparing her for what had to come next. "Fire" I shouted, and the knights rose their shields as the fire submersed around them. I felt the guilt trickle down my spine as I imagined the pain they must be going through- yet as Sunny pulls his fire back, the the semi-circle of knights seemed to still be alive as they all took one step forward pushing us towards the water. I felt Sunny's panic multiply mine, what were these guys?!

"Fire again!" I shouted watching as the flames licked at the shiny metal, but bounced off repulsed by the knights. It horrified me, to a high degree. The knights in that moment seemed to be invincible, I couldn't see any weak points in which I could place my knife, they were just made of metal! Flame retardant metal!

Fear mixed with my panic, laced with the slight chance of freaking out, I pulled a warm fire breathing dragon up next to me as he watched in utter fear. The knights had us cornered. There was nowhere to go, no way to kill them. I looked to the air and realized there was no chance of flying, the trees had made sure of that.

For a brief moment the knights opened their formation, only to let another man through, he was on a white horse and clad with the same type of armor the knights wore but thinner and more detailed. Feeling a sudden type of desperation I charged in front of Sunny, screaming the words "Don't you dare touch my dragon!" Yet I had a feeling it was a rather incoherent snarl.

The man on the horse looked at one of the knights to the side of me, as if giving the signal to take me aside. I drew my knife as soon as the knight took just one step, he took his next wearily, but still he was another step closer. The thick armor he wore made him slow and luckily speed was my best quality. I side stepped him to get to his back before he could turn, looking for a weak point in his armor but his back showed no further weakness.

"Damn it!" I hissed, kicking at the back of his helmet with the bottom of my foot, still feeling it sting despite trying not to brake anything. To my great surprise the knight actually fell flat on his face, and even better was the fact that he couldn't get back up!

I didn't have a chance to laugh at his demise though as before I had noticed two knights had got behind and in front of me, I was too distracted by the one fight! I tried to jump out of the way, but the man in front blocked me with his shield, the man behind does the same with his shield but on the opposite side, it's an uncomfortable little square, I'm caught between man and shields!

I look over to Sunny who is having no better luck, watching him is making tears of anger trickle down my face, they've got a muzzle round his mouth and ropes around his legs and tail. In my distraction my knife is taken and I'm left weapon less, watching them take my dragon away.

I want to collapse on the floor, I want to kill them all! But I can't. All I can do is cry as they shove me along side my dragon, both of us wrapped in ropes and chains. A small part of me wonders why I'm being pushed along as well, and why they haven't killed us both immediately, but I don't make a sound and I don't let myself think about anything. Trying to block all of my emotion out for the torturous events that were sure to follow.

After all, what would my life be if they took Sunny away? He was my everything, all I had in my life was Sunny.

A/N: second chappy guys!

I feel like I might need to go over this with a fine comb, or maybe even a loose brush to start with ;) lol I'm so sorry.

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