Chapter five

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Dedicated to MochaAndMilk, because they were kind enough to leave a coment of chapter four!!! ;D

When I woke up there was a lot of shouting and for a moment I forgot- yes, once again- where I was. Yet Sunny was still carrying me and that seemed to make everything okay.

I looked at the knights around me and Sunny, they were all running around rather quickly and shouting orders at each other. They seemed to be preparing for something.

"What's going on?" I asked Mr Shinny knight, he just ignored me.

I felt as though there was something I knew about him, something I should have remembered, as in it was on the very tip of my tongue but failed.

I jumped off Sunny's back, stroking him gently. I looked into the close distant a shocked to see the Great Wall. It was smaller then I remembered, much smaller, but that was to be expected considering the last time I saw it I must have been about seven years old.

I could have guessed we'd be back here, this was the home of crazy mad people- but don't say that too their faces, they would think the same about me in all honesty.

They think riding with dragons and loving them is 'inhumane' I know it's simply an idiotic way of thinking if you ask me!!

The knights were clearly preparing to enter the city and it started to dawn on me what this meant to both me and Sunny.


In that moment I can only say I panicked. I didn't know what I was doing accept avoiding death for both me and Sunny, it was a fear like no other. It made me fight like a wild animal.

I pulled the rope the knight had a tight hold on, he was tugged forward and nearly slipped. "FIRE." I roared at Sunny and he, hesitantly, obaide. He was clearly very confused at my sudden out burst and he knew that all attempts at getting away were futile. But I couldn't give up. Not just like that.

The fire did nothing to the men but trees were charred black. "Again." I yelled but it was getting harder and harder to see a way out, "Please just let us go!" I screamed as Mr Shinny Knight approached. Sunny was already surrounded and separated from me. the stupid shining metal knight with the pretty embellishments was in front of me and wrapping his fingers around my wrists. "Please..." I whispered, my voice too hoarse and dry from lack of water and from shouting too much. "Just let Sunny go..." I begged him.

"We're not here to kill anyone..." The knight replied, only just reaching my ears as I was blinded by my current rage and adrenalin. "What?" I asked. Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I realized what a mess this really was.

"We won't lay a hand on your dragon, I swear, a royal promise?" He told me, and despite his words making me stop fighting and even relax a little, I felt a little bomb go off in my head. 'Royal promises' are only made by royal people, then I found that memory- the one that was on the tip of my tongue. 'sir, Prince, your highness, will...' I remembered the words and the voice. He was the Prince. The guy stood with his arms around me, promising things to me.

I didn't know what to think about this, but my brain was taking in too much all at once. I had been avoiding everything like this, I had been a avoiding the capital for so long that now I was I front of the giant walls surrounding it, it felt like I was being pushed off a cliff.


The Prince had managed to catch me when I slipped out of a conscious state, recovering way to late to save myself. I had soon after managed to calm Sunny down and I could see the worry evident in those giant brown eyes. I felt so guilty for having put him through all of this and for once in my life I couldn't fight the thought 'what if he'd never met me?' Would he have been better off? But a small voice told me he could have died straight away. He was heading towards the village when I came across him, maybe... I tried not to go there, those thoughts were far to dark for me to even think about right now. So instead I mumbled an apology to Mr Shinny- The Prince of the capital- saying I had panicked given the situation, but I doubt he was even listening!

Then we had commenced the short walk to the stone walls that encased the capital of the city. They had advised that Sunny was to be put back into the metal cage, not wanting to scare the city folk.

This time Sunny complied as I told him it would be better this way, and that I would be next to the cage at all times. And I did so, letting my smooth calming words flow through the metal cage, trying to put Sunny in the best mood possible for what atrocities awaited us in the crazy place we were just about to walk in to. The capital.


Hay people :p

How do you all like the story then? It's gotten a little bit further along lol, this was slow for me as a writer :( but my rule is to have written a chapter before I can publish the next one. It stops me from getting into a writers block I think haha :)

So yeah, she remember he was a Prince! Didn't know if that would be really stupid :p oh well! I mean I never remember things like that when I'm that tired so yeah.

Also the action was worse here, it's hard to do :3 but I also wanted her to be tired still and panicked? Yeah haha, hope that worked!!

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