Chapter 6!

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Shout out to CalicoCat15! For the comments on chapter five! Updates will still be slow but not stopped completely!

A giant archway in the stone wall came into view, my emotions went sky high. Not only was it scary being back here, but nerve wracking as well, thoughts flittered in and out of my head; what if I'm not wearing the right clothes? How will they accept me? Will we both die? Was the Prince lying? Do I look like a beggar girl? When was the last time I actually bathed properly? I don't have any shoes on!

That last one struck me as odd, I had never worn shoes, well, not after I started to live in the Drake Region. in fact I didn't really have much in the way of clothing, I simply made my own out of animal skin. I tried to use every part of the animal, not just leaving it like I knew the city's did.

And don't get me wrong, but I was very proud of my wolf skin dress, I'm not proud of killing the wolf. It was a sad part of nature that happened daily in the wild.

The fur once hung limply with gaping holes either side, so I had to tie a belt around it. The belt was made from a simple vine and was handy to carry my essentials, such as my knife.

A separate piece of vine also did a good job of keeping the fur of the legs around my arms, and I had used the back leg fur on my legs. Trying to keep myself as warm as needed.

Now I was walking into the capital with these clothes on me, I didn't feel so proud. The exact moment I took a step through the arch way along with the knights, the whole street turned to look at us in hushed whispered. No doubt a lot of the attention was for the dazzling Prince that stood besides me and the giant dragon cage... But I caught every disgusted glance I was thrown and gave one back, only mine was colder, forcing them to look away.

I felt eyes shift from me, to the Prince, and finally to the great metal box, and the whispers turned into murmurs, the murmurs into shouts. I couldn't make out what they were saying. Some how though, it felt as though half the crowd was cheering and half the crowd were booing. A strange combination.

We moved on through the streets. It was amazing, despite how disgusting and cluttered it was. There were stalls lining every street, buildings of every level and hight, none above the wall, some were even miniature!

There were more trees then I remembered, it looked greener than ever, dashes of pinks, reds and oranges were splashed across the scene, flowers of the sweetest scent.

The people were strange, some dressed in tight colorful clothes, with gold in their hair and around their every limb. People had come from different places, that was clear. They had various faces, various styles, even various skin tones. It was a whole new world to me.

I looked on towards the tallest building in the capital, this one was round and spiral like, dotted with big windows, all sporting flags of the same colour, it had to be the castle, no other building had as much status as this huge building. It was larger then all the others, with gold and silver emblems on every place possible.

I realized this was our destination, it could be the last beautiful thing I ever see, so I let my eyes take it in greedily. A small voice didn't let me forget what I should be scared of, this place was still associated with death.

As we got closer I could see the castle had pathways to other large buildings, they were all surrounded by big open spaces, trees and flowers splashed around the garden areas and I could see women dressed in angelic white, they were tending to the garden with a very relaxed aura. It was all very pretty to look at but I couldn't help feeling like this was just a font, royal promise or not, I didn't like it. No- that's not true, I didn't like the vibe here. The place on its own was magnificent.

All this time the Prince had his eyes on me, I could tell. When I finally stopped drooling over all the flowers and open green areas- places I could fly with Sunny... I managed to look at him, he was indeed staring at me. "What?" I asked, slightly offended by the look, I felt the panicked and needed to check my hair and clothes but refrained from doing so- not wanting to make a fool out of myself.

"Oh, nothing. Sorry." He apologised and looked away, towards the castle. "Will you promise to not attack us now? No ones hurt you. And if you do, we can let your dragon walk with you." He told me when we were crossing a draw bridge into the castle. "Are you sure it's safe for Sunny? I'm not being funny but there were definitely a few boo's, if not a lot, on the way here." I said, worried about any attacks on Sunny. "And if they did anything we would protect you, and Sunny, it will be fine." He told me, but there was a hard look on his face as if to say it annoyed him that I had to bring it up.

"Fine, I promise, let him out." I snapped, annoyed at him all of a sudden. I saw him role his eyes at me as he marched towards the cage opening.
"There we go." He said lifting a huge metal bar as if it were wood. I ran to the front of the cage, happy to see my best friend once again. He was at the back of the cage, fear in his eyes. It didn't look like he wanted to come out of the cage at first, then his eyes latched on to mine, asking if it was safe. I could tell he still had trust in me.
I reached out my hand, like you would a horse, trying not to be threatening. Slowly Sunny took small steps towards me, and I kept repeating small words of encouragement to him.

Soon enough we were side by side, he was shaking out his wings taking in the sight just as I had a moment before. He looked relaxed with the amount of free air to fly in, or at least in the fact there was another escape route.

"So 'your highness' why have you brought me here?" I asked, yes rather rudely, but he had yet to tell me and if we weren't being slaughtered then I didn't have a clue to what was going to happen honestly.

"Well, there's a lot to discuss, and please just call me Drake..." He looked quite offended but I didn't make a deal of it. So his name was Drake? Just as well, that's name they pass on through the throne. The throne that's supposed to govern the Drake Region, not cause chaos to descend upon it... That much we were taught before the dragons were nearly killed out.

I followed him into the entry way of the castle, turning back to watch Sunny chase a butterfly off into the distance. "He'll be fine, if he's spooked we'll get notified as soon as." He told me, but it didn't help, I was still on edge leaving my dragon after such a long time of being together. "Fine." I snapped and stormed ahead. I waited at the grand doors for him to show me the way.
Now it's time to find out what this prince is up to.

Love all my readers, if your still here then thank you! It was a long wait for a chapter! Please follow me to find out what's happening with my stories' and everything!
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Also don't forget to comment on what you like/dislike about this story so far!

So, his name is Drake? We like? No like? Hmm, not sure on it yet myself- it wasn't planed it just happened haha

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