• You Get Me So High •

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„You hungry guys? I hope so,'cause I'm hungry as fuck," said Wednesday when we were leaving tour bus to get some fresh air.
„We should go somewhere. Pizza would be awesome!" little person yelled behind my back. I little jumped because I was too much in thoughts. Today's show was very good, but guys act little bit weird. They had more energy that usual. So they were jumping,running on the stage, and then there was me. I was just standing,plaing my guitar and looking at them. I'm not into things like this,not on the stage.
„Alright guys,it's not that far away," said Wed,and continued in the walking. Against us was little pizzeria. We walked in and sat on the red seats with glass table. I was sitting opposite to Ben. We are very close as friends with Ben. Not like Wed with Joey,but still very close. Whenever I need help,he help me. He's just like an angel that will help you when you need it. You will call him, and he will come. I love him as a best friend,but I can't imagine him as something more than that.
We ordered three pepperoni pizzas and ate it in like 10 minutes. Just really fast. We were very hungry. And here it starts.
„I'm bored, but don't wanna leave this restaurant. Let's just play something. Just like Truth or Dare," Joey said and everyone nodded except me. I didn't care. I hate that game,one person give hot question and you have to answer. It's just stupid,when it's some secret and you have to tell it. I know that, I had to answer correctly,because they knew the truth. Because of that game I lost my friend,crush,and lover. From that moment,I hated this game.
„I will go first," Acey said with happy face, „Joey? Truth or dare?"
„God-No. Truth."
„Do you really have a crush on Wed?" Acey smiled. And that's what I'm talking about. Joey said it to us...except Wed.
Joey's cheeks went red. I knew this won't be good.
„I knew it!" Wednesday yelled on all restaurant. Joey covered his face with his hands. I felt ashamed. It had to be secret,and they're just like they done nothing important. What if Wed will ignor Joey forever,because of this stupid game? Joey just stayed silent. And Wednesday? Wed doesn't care. He probably knew it.
„I'm going next,"Wednesday raised his hand, „Eric?Truth or Dare?"
I looked at him with angry face.
„Truth," I said with bored voice. He know that I hate this game.
„Are you really gay?" Everyone looked at me with like "wooow" face.
„No,why should I be gay?" I said with a surprised face. I have never told that I'm gay and I don't even think that I am one of them.
„You got crush on Ben,didn't you?" Wed continued.
„No,I never had a crush on Ben," I knew that they were just joking,but it wasn't fun for me.
„Yes you do. Do you remember that show when you couldn't find Ben and you was searching for him everywhere?" they all laughed.
„That mean nothing!" I yelled on them. They were still laughing. I went angry. I stood up and leave the pizzeteria. I had to think about what just happened. What if Ben took it serious and don't wanted to be my friend anymore? The only person that understand me. I came back to tour bus. I had enough for today. Bed will be always my only best friends. Bed is comfortable,soft,warm. Bed isn't making fan of you. Bed is always good to you. Bes is always with you and not against you. I lay on my bed and fall asleep for a few hours.

They came back. „Eric? You here?" somebody yelled on me. I just said some words like "yeah,I'm here", and don't cared about them.
I looked at my phone. 12:28AM. „They were out very long without me" I said to myself. Everyone were making their night routine. I had very bad mood. When I have mood like this, I can scream on anyone.
I went to bathroom to get some water. I rinsed my face with cold water and looked to mirror. I looked very angry. My face and eyes were red. I heard somebody came in. It was Ben.
„Hey,I'm here for some towels." he said and walked around me. That bathroom was so small so he touch my ass for a moment.
„Y-You just touched my ass. Are you fucking gay or what?" I yelled at him.
„Maybe I am, you never know," he laughed. I don't. It wasn't that funny.
„C'mon Eric,don't take everything that serious. Smile!" he took my face in his hands.
„C'mon. Smile. I won't leave after you won't smile," he smiled. I just couldn't. It's really hard for me to smile.
„I just can't," I whispered.
„Maybe this will help," he leaned down to me and kissed me on the lips. I stayed suprised. Did he really kissed me? He probably take that ridiculous joke seriously. I kissed him back. I would never say that his lips could taste so good. I felt his tongue inside my mouth. Like I said,he help me everytime I need it. I feel better now. I put my hands around his waist and continue at kissing him more.He wrapped his hands around my neck and pushed me against the washbowl. After few moments he pulled away and he took my face into his hands again. I still had my hands on his hips.
„Do you feel better now?" he asked me with sweetest smile he can do.
„Better," I whispered and blush. Now I can say that I'm gay. I smiled and leave the bathroom. I went into my bunk. I lied on my mattress. I was trying to fall asleep.

„Eric?" I hear somebody's voice. I looked at the stranger and it was Ben standing in front of my bunk.
„Yeah?" I said with sleepy voice.
„Can I sleep next to you?" he said and rest his head on count of my mattress.
„Of course you can" I smiled. He smiled too and climb into my bunk where he lied next to me. He hugged me from behind.
„What if they find us like this?" I whispered.
„I don't care. Do you?"
"No...I love you Ben."
„I love you too," he hugged me tight.
I closed my eyes and start thinking about good and bad things that happened today.

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