Ring Ring

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3rd POV

Taehyung and Jungkook would often hang out on the weekends when they had time to, making a tradition as they aren’t able to do that during the week due to their busy schedules. Today was one of those days, one of those days that got both boys excited and finally at peace with their mind. Taehyung readied himself to go out with the younger, checking his appearance in the mirror one last time before entering the bathroom to clean his face. He brushed his teeth and hair, straightening out his clothes. He was cloaked in a crimson button up that hung loosely on his body while tucked gently into his dress pants. The black material hugged his thighs while an unrestricting pant leg flowed around his ankles, his subtle pink hair pushed out of his face slightly. He smiled gently at himself in satisfaction and left the bathroom, entering his bedroom once again. Taehyung sat on his bed and pulled his phone off the nightstand, powering it on to see a message from Jimin. He smiled and opened it, his smile soon fading as he read the message.

Jiminie Hyung
Hey, Tae, can I borrow Kook for a few?

Yeah, but try to make it quick. You
know its Saturday and we have plans

I know, I’m sorry. I’ll make it quick,
don't worry

Taehyung sadly fell back on his bed, allowing his friend to push back his plans although he really wished he could say no. That’s one of his many faults, the fact that he can’t deny anyone or tell them off no matter how hard he tries to stand up for himself. He isn’t particularly upset with himself for that fact, but it is something that needs working. He shrugged it off and decided to check the time, taking note of the fact that it is 11:37 before clicking on a random game on his phone.
He played and played, his eyes never leaving the screen until he needed to plug the phone in, then he just rolled over so that he could continue to play. He heard a knock on his door and hummed as a sign for them to enter, not bothering to take his eyes off the devise. The door opened, and a tall figure stood in the doorway, his hand gently pushing the door closed behind him as he took a few steps in. Taehyung finally looked up and took in the other, his body immediately standing up to face him. Jungkook stood there with an apologetic look for a while, his right hand rubbing his left forearm. He was wearing a royal blue button up, the silk sleeves rolled up as the front is also tucked into his pants.

“Sorry for the holdup. You still wanna go out?” Jungkook asked sheepishly, his eyes glancing up at Taehyung only occasionally. The older lifted his hand and ruffled it through the younger’s black hair, pushing the right side up and out of his face slightly. Jungkook looked up only then, his eyes meeting Taehyung’s eyes for a few moments. The older smiled a large, toothy grin, his eyes wrinkling as he stared at the younger. Taehyung nodded his head and grabbed Jungkook’s hand, leading him out of the bedroom after grabbing his phone and wallet. Jungkook followed without taking his hand away from the older, only doing so at the front door so the two could put their shoes on.

They left the dorm and headed down the stairs, leaving the building and walking to a close ice cream shop to sit down at. The two settled down and ordered some ice cream, Jungkook getting blue shaved ice while Taehyung got plain vanilla ice cream. They talked as they sat and ate, Taehyung noticing the fact that Jungkook checked his phone often. He grew upset with the younger’s lack of attention and allowed a pout to settle on his lips, his eyes scanning over the boy as his fingers typed rapidly along the keyboard for the sixth time in the past ten minutes. Taehyung put his spoon down in his ice cream and placed his head atop his right fist, watching as the younger’s skittish eyes moved everywhere besides the older.

“Kook, what’s gotten into you? You keep checking your phone and don’t even look at me. Are you tired of our weekend outings?” Taehyung asked lowly, his hand falling onto Jungkook’s as it sat on the tabletop. Jungkook felt a sudden warmth on his hand and jerked it back, not knowing how it had gotten there. His eyes looked up to see the older boy with a hurt expression, his eyes automatically widening as he quickly reached his hand across the table to grab Taehyung’s once again. The younger laced their fingers together and gave Taehyung a lopsided smile, squeezing his hand for a moment in reassurance.

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