Electric Kiss (part 1)

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11 years before...

"Daddy! Daddy! Look what Kookie gave me!" The 8 year old boy shouted to his father. His best friend, Jungkook, have given him a stuffed lion. A very cute lion, with a beautiful mane that the 8 year old loved to pet. After all, the 8 year old was Kookie's "baby lion."

"That's a very nice lion. Now, daddy needs to work. Go play with...what's his name?" The young boy's father questioned. "Kookie? Odd name..." His father asked, furrowing his brows together as if he actually cared.

"Only I can call him Kookie. To you, daddy, he is just Jungkook. He's my kookie and only I can use that name." The lilac haired boy stated pettily. He knew he was acting out, but he doesn't want to lose someone else he loves. He had tears threatening to fall, and if he looked at his father's expression, they would definitely start streaming down his squishy cheeks.

"Okay, Taehyung. I'm sorry. Go play with Jungkook, now and let me finish my work." Taehyung's father spoke softly but sternly, going back to typing away at his laptop.

"Okay daddy. I'm sorry too. I love you." Taehyung said, waiting for his father to say a simple four word phrase back.

It never happened. All his father did was hum in reply and shoo him out. There, Taehyung stood outside of his father's office, the recurring thought of how his father doesn't love him playing over and over in his mind.

"Kookie said he loved me. He also gave me a kiss. I know kookie loves me, and I love him." Taehyung mumbled under his breath, holding the lion that was given to him by the one he loves the most dearly to his chest. If daddy and mama switched places, I would be a lot happier. Taehyung thought to himself, tears falling gingerly down his face at the thought of his mother. She was a caring, loving, beautiful, young lady who was gone all too soon.

"Kookie! Can I please have another hug and a kiss?" The young lilac haired boy called to his best friend, arms open wide for when he would be engulfed by the younger's embrace. Soon enough, he felt immense warmth wrap around him, pulling him close, as though he'd never be let go.

"Taehyungie, what's wrong?" Jungkook, a black haired boy, questioned.

"Could you please use my other name? The name that my kookie made for me and calls me? The kookie who secretly kisses me goodbye and plays with my hair while he holds me close? I like the name that kookie gave me..." Taehyung whispered to Jungkook under his breath, head leaning on the youngr's shoulder. Taehyung doesn't get affection from his father, and Jungkook's affection is all he needs. He needs it right now.

"I'm sorry baby lion." Jungkook whispered right back into Taehyung's ear, playing with is lilac locks while slowly rocking the two back and forth where they stand. He peppered kisses all over his face, Taehyung calming down and relaxing into the hug as he allowed Jungkook's warmth to consume him. "I'll do anything for you. Anytime, too. Anything at all, just tell me, and I'll do it, baby lion, okay?" Jungkook cooed to Taehyung, who only nodded his head.

They soon made their way up to Taehyung's room, closing the door behind them and curling up on the older's bed.

"Kookie, I want a lovey." Taehyung murmured, scooting closer to Jungkook. A lovey is a kiss, but on the lips. They made it up one time after Jungkook had given Taehyung a kiss on the cheek. Leading to Taehyung calling a kiss on the lips, a lovey. Jungkook's eyes widened for a moment before also scooting closer to the other. Jungkook softly placed his lips upon Taehyung's, both of them closing their eyes and neither daring to move.

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