Nothing To lose

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"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The adoring fans shouted at their idols, their eyes trained on two of the boys that were standing awkwardly as they faced each other. The eldest of the group decided that enough was enough and called the fans' attention, eliminating the idea of the two boy's even getting close to that. The fans awwed and complained, giving in to the boy's demands and getting on with the concert.

"Why not hyung? I think they can do it." They suddenly heard from toward the left, seeing a small boy standing their with serious eyes. Jin smiled teasingly at the slightly younger boy and crossed his arms, putting the mic to his lips once again as he turned back to the two boys.

"Fine. Get on with it, if you don't, you're buying me food." The eldest threatened, everyone chuckling at such a childish threat. Said boys, however, were suffering as their lips trembled ever so slightly, their knees a little weak, and their gazed awkwardly meeting. Jin walked toward them and waited, watching as Taehyung lightly placed his hands upon the younger's shoulders, twitching his nose a bit to keep his glasses up. Jungkook shifted a bit closer as well and gingerly places his hands to the elder's hips a bit, gently tugging him toward himself. For a moment, all they could do was stare as the other glowed and captured the entirety of their vision, the desire to do it was strong yet the fear and worry of the fans was also wavering their strength. The two were so close to connecting their lips, the older releasing a shaky breath as he thought through everything, his eyes still attached to Jungkook's. It was secret -among the group- that Jungkook and Taehyung were dating, but they hadn't done anything yet. Their "dating" was more of a joke that started out as the two being super close, Hoseok saying they looked like a couple and would make a cute one, to the two claiming to be the "Taekook Power Couple" in any game or simple activity. This was only among the group, and although the fans don't know of their relationship, they felt as though this was definitely going to give it all away.

Leaning in a bit, Jungkook pressed his lips to elder's soft ones, the older boy being taken aback slightly. Jungkook stuttered backwards and rubbed his nose, the two having bumped them as the younger's sudden advance. Taehyung looked away with a flushed face and lightly let go of the younger, backing away before lightly going to hide behind Namjoon. Jungkook laughed at his reaction slightly and heard the entire crowd scream and go wild, the group soon carrying on with the concert and their original plans.

"Hey, uh, Tae? Could we talk?" Jungkook asked lowly, his gaze shifting to the ground while his fingers fiddled with each other. The older smiled and ruffled his hair a little, a fond smile dancing over his features. He agreed and Jungkook's face lit up, his body leading the older away from the group and out toward a playground that was secluded and vacant. The two took a seat on the monkey bars and simply sat, the chilled metal sending electric current all up their arms and legs,Jungkook allowing a minuscule shiver to overtake his being.

"Kook, what did you need?" The older boy suddenly asked, wanting to talk to the younger but also wanting to get it over with quickly since he didn't want the boy to shiver any longer. Jungkook nodded his head and took a deep breath.

"Well, while we were performing, we, you know what we did. Well, I'm uh, sorry, for bumping into your nose and for doing it so suddenly," his voice was small and just barely a whisper, the older laughing a bit and muttering a small "it's okay." Jungkook gained a bit of confidence and sniffled, his eyes blinking profusely as he attempted to calm his heart down. "Well-well, I was thinking, maybe, we could try that again? You know, kinda restart, or, just to get our bearings?" Jungkook attempted to explain, his face blazing a soft, butterfly pink, the older smiling lightly and nudging the younger with his shoulder. He nodded his head slightly and glanced at the younger, Jungkook widening his eyes at his agreement.

Taehyung gently shifted his knees until they were facing the younger a bit more, his hands still gripping the bars they sat on. Jungkook did the same and slid a little further over to the older, his eyes meeting the boy's for a moment before he looked away flushed. The older couldn't help but to coo and melt at the younger's action, his face leaning toward the boy's a bit as he waited for the familiar feeling of Jungkook's soft lips on his own. Jungkook lightly brought his face toward the elder's as well, their noses brushing lightly before Jungkook pressed their lips together, the soft contact spreading warmth all throughout their bodies. The younger leaned back a bit to disconnect their lips, feeling the elder's hand go up and caress his cheek before bringing him back, kissing the boy a bit more passionately than before. Jungkook's hand lightly ran over the elder's, their fingers lightly lacing together as their lips danced contemporarily.

"You know, I've been thinking about making our relationship more serious, more official. No, I don't think we could ever come out to Army yet, but within the dorms, do you think we could give it a chance?" Taehyung spoke quickly, the younger smiling unknowingly before nodding his head lightly, his eyes drifting away from the elder's captivating ones. Taehyung slid off the metal bars and helped the younger down, his pinky finger gingerly wrapping around the boy's as they walked back toward their dorms. Jungkook smiled to himself at the soft success he had gone through that day, his entire being suddenly being overcome with warmth and happiness and love. He hopes that he and Taehyung are able to go through everything together, that things end up well, and that eventually, Army will accept them for who they are.
This was super trash I apologize but I wrote it the day after the last one so I just put off posting it. SUDDEN SURPRISE, THE SONG IS BY JACKSON YI, OF TFBOYS, AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH SEND LOVE. Love you 🥰

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