Capture (Rain pt2)

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The two boys walked down the lonesome streets, their footsteps the only hug the earth got besides from the pelting rain. Taehyung swayed as he walked, his arm occasionally brushing the other boy's as their conversation continued in hushed voices, as though sharing a secret. Taehyung hadn't even noticed his now soaked shirt and cardigan as he listened to the black-haired boy, who he learned was just a year and some months younger than he, talk on about different aspects about him by the elder's request. Jungkook was caught in the same situation, the times that the older would speak captivated his mind with a tight embrace, capturing all of his attention.

"You know hyung, we have quite a bit in common. I'm a guy, you're a guy, you can walk, I can walk too!" The younger exclaimed, his mouth now running without much thought. Taehyung gave a low chuckle at Jungkook's words, his eyes still trained on his lips, the way they curl up, the way his bottom one will jut out occasionally, and the way he'll pucker them when getting excited or when saying certain vowels. In Taehyung's mind, he was envisioning a lot of things, most of them just different images of what the younger would be like in certain situations. He didn't exactly mean to zone out like that, but he couldn't help but to let his mind wander about the boy he was currently taking to his place of living. It was a wild concept to grasp.

Taehyung informed Jungkook of the approaching building and that it was where they would be going, Jungkook's eyes widening as he looked at the tall, well-constructed building. Without any words for the rest of the way, they walked into the building and made their way up the three flights of stairs to Taehyung's room. The older opened the door and allowed Jungkook to walk inside, both of them taking off their shoes before Taehyung closed and locked the door once again. Jungkook didn't question the fact that he locked it, just assuming he was extremely protective of his belongs and house. Taehyung walked into the kitchen and put a kettle on the stove before taking Jungkook to his bedroom.

"You can change out of your wet clothes if you'd like. I'll find something for you to wear and if you want to, you can take a hot shower." Taehyung smiled warmly, walking around the room to grab clothes, a towel, and a new body scrubber. Jungkook accepted them gratefully and followed Taehyung as he led him to the bathroom, walking in and watching the door close as Taehyung walked away. The older waited just outside the door for a few moments, hearing the water turn on and sighing in relief as he finally made his way back to the kitchen.

Taehyung poured two cups of tea and grabbed only one bag, placing it into his cup so that Jungkook could decide what kind he wanted himself. The boy walked back into his room to change out of his clothes, just grabbing a pair of boxers and a large grey sweatshirt to wear before grabbing a towel to dry his hair with. After his small expedition, he made his way to the lounge with his tea cup in hand, his eyes staring out over the city's landscape. He continued to stare until he heard the bathroom door open, turning to look at the now dressed boy while he rubbed his hair aggressively. The older stopped his hands from doing so and walked back into his bedroom, approaching Jungkook once again with a hairdryer in hand. He sat on the sofa and had Jungkook sit beside his legs as he dried his hair, making sure to be gentle as he did so.

Taehyung gently ran his fingers through the younger's hair as he dried, hearing a new sound begin to fill the room besides the dryer and pounding rain. Taehyung turned the hairdryer to a lower setting to calm the sound, continuing to gently dry the younger's hair as his head lied on his lap. Jungkook hadn't noticed the sudden lack of sound from the older or the machine in his hand, simply continuing with the song that he had been singing. His voice carried out through the room, permeating the air in the room with a new velvet feeling encompassing the two beings. Taehyung got lost in the boy's words that flowed oh-so perfectly with the melody of the song, the occasional change of the melody sending Taehyung's heart into a fit of backflips.

"Your voice is... utterly beautiful, I can't find the words to describe it besides absolutely alluring. I'm drawn in like an ocean wave, yet I only want to swim deeper and deeper." Taehyung whispered, his face dipping down to the younger's head as his scent lingered on him due to using his bathing products. Jungkook flushed a dark red and turned his head away from Taehyung's sight, his head falling as his face got squished against the elder's thigh. Taehyung felt the younger groan into his leg, the vibrations making him smile as he turned the hairdryer back on to finish drying the boy's hair as he was initially doing.

The older patted Jungkook's head as a sign for him to lift his head, waiting as the younger's head never lifted from his thick thighs. He tapped his head one last time, moving it with his hand slightly himself only to find that the younger had fallen asleep on his legs. The older sighed with a slight smile and did his best to slide down the front of the couch, slipping his arms under the boy's body before lifting it. He carried him to his bedroom and laid him down, pulling the covers over his body before turning off the light and exiting the room. He walked back into the lounge and put the dryer away, lying out a blanket on the sofa to lie under once he was ready to sleep. Until then, he turned back to the window, their forgotten tea remaining on the kitchen counter finally occurring to him. He sighed and did nothing about it, just standing before the window as he watched the water drip down, leaving streaks of water behind its path.

"Hyung, come sleep with me," two arms wrapped around Taehyung's waist, his body jumping slightly at the sudden contact. The older hadn't even realized that the door had opened, nor had he noticed the younger boy exit the room. Taehyung's hand landed on the younger's before he felt a soft chuckle in his shoulder emit from the boy, obviously giggling at the start he had given the older. Jungkook began pull the older back with him, leading him to the bedroom where they would reside as sleep enclosed on their fatigued figures. Taehyung couldn't help but smile as he admitted to himself, the younger had managed to capture him in such a short period of time. 


I decided I will just put the song or whatever in the box. Love Gray, he's a lit guy. I hope you enjoy, I whipped up with trash just a couple moments ago<3 I love you guys and hank you for so many views!!! it makes me so happy<3

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