ch 15 what happened(Revised)

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Minhyuk's pov

I rushed heading towards the hospital. I still cant believe this is happening. This was suppose to be a bright day.

Just then rain poured out. Lightning strucks here and there. Sky gloomed.

When i got there i quickly stepped on the breaks ready to get off not minding where the parking lot is. I hurriedly went out and ran inside. I stopped at the reception and asked where Chaesoo is.

"Is there a patient named Park Chaesoo?" I said in english. Damn this receptionist is taking a damn long time.

"Shes currently under a surgery at SR09 5th floor" I then flew towards the elevator. Well not literally. Then quickly pressed 5.

When i got there i saw my mom and Chaesoo's mom infront of the surgery room. Her mom was crying while my mom comforts her. Mrs. Park's PA was talking to the phone arranging stuffs about our wedding and how it would be posponed for a while due to the accident.

It took several hours for the surgery to finish. We waited there. Not minding the time. The fathers arrived a little later. Actually Mr. Park had a slight heart which cause mrs. Park to panic once again. I pity her. Her daughter is under a surgery while her husband is being hospitalized.

This time, nurses were going in and out of the surgery room that Chaesoo was in hurriedly. We grew more worried about her.

After hours of waiting and disaster, the surgeon came out looking tired. I mean who wouldnt be tired from a 4 hrs surgery. He walked towards us.

"Im sorry it took too long for the surgery to finish but im sorry to say that we really did our best but the patient---"

(Cliffhanger😂 i know its annoying deal with it will ya😂)

??? Pov

I told you to watch out didnt I. I smirked to myself watching all that is happening while hidden.

Better watch out Chaesoo.... this is just the start.... you wont give up that easily right? I smiled to myself.

I looked down looking at the picture i was holding. A tear fell down my face.

"Dont worry mommy will take revenge for you. I will also get daddy back for you"

I said to myself quitely looking at my son.

(A baby?! Who is the mother? Who is the father?😉)

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