ch 18 different

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Readers' Pov

Weeks had passed since Chaesoo had woken up from the coma. They,Minhyuk and Chaesoo, are now currently at Hawaii. They decided to come there for them to just relaxed.

Everyday, Minhyuk would treat Chaesoo like a princess. He would also tell Chaesoo about somethings about her but it was not enough since he only knew few things about her.

Minhyuk's Pov

Today we are going to a cafe near our hotel. It was just a few blocks away.

"Lets go?"

I asked seeing her ready. She looked at me and smiled then nodded. Wahhh my heart.

She then held my hand and dragged me outside the hotel. She then halted when we reached the exit causing me to stop aswell.


"You said you know the pla--"

She then stopped speaking then held her head like shes in pain.

"Hey are you okay?"

I asked worriedly. She didnt answer causing me to panic. I then remembered what the doctor said. She might occasionally remember things when something or someone reminds her of 'that' something which results is her having a headache and if we tried too much for her just to remember it might bring her extreme headache.

Chaesoo's Pov

"Where are you going?"
"The market"
"Let me come with you" he said getting up.
"No its fine"
"No you might get lose"
"I wont, I know where is where. Remember i always go here when i was a child."
"But that was years ago" He stood up getting his coat then walking towards me and when he reached me he held my hand and went out dragging me with him.

When we were outside the hotel Minhyuk suddenly halted then looked at me. I looked at him confused.

"Why did you stop?"
"Uhmm you said you know the way" He smiled sheepish.
"My god c'mon follow me"

"--soo Chaesoo! Can you hear me?!"

I blinked couple of times. Then I looked at him.

"This...this happened before...right?"

He then chuckled and then nodded. He ruffled my hair causing it to be messy.


"Your starting to remember huh?" He smiled brightly. I then nodded indicating a 'yes'.

"It happened before right?"

"Yes, but the thing is you were the one who knows the place."

"Ah really"

"Lets go, im hungry" he dragged me towards the exit and hailed a cab then we reached our destination.

We went in. It was a pretty fancy restaurant, if i should say so myself.

"What do you want?" Minhyuk asked

Without U (Monsta X Minhyuk Ff) [Under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now