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I was walking down the corridors of our school. Exams were over so students were all heading home.

I then noticed you walking towards my direction and so i was to you. I was the first to see you but i somehow got flustered and just looked at my phone.

I thought you would call my name. Ask me how im doing since we last seen each other 4 days ago. It was just days but why do i feel we're slowly drifting. Please notice me.

But you didnt. You walked passed me. Just passed me. Is something wrong?

I didnt think it that much but i know deep inside i wanna cry.

I then proceed to where i was about to go. While walking i was fidgetting on my phone but my mind it, it wont focused on it. I was thinking about you.

I then went back. Walking again. I then saw you again. We made eye contact but you broke it. Damn it.You just walked past me. AGAIN. I cant take it anymore. My mind is killing me.


I called out to him. He turned his head to the side. He wasnt turning around. He knows I hate those disrespectful stuff.


That was just his respond. I dont know why but i was hurt by it.

Dang it.

"Mr. Leonar is looking for your project"

"Dont care. We have something to do."

Just like that he continued walking. I was hurt.

How dare you! Im just caring for you then answer me that rudely. Why cant i see those warmth in your eyes huh? Cold. Thats what i see.

Did something happened.? Did i do something wrong?

Again here we are. Im going crazy thinking whats happening to us. Dang it you ugh! Do you want me to hate you?


I then found i spot to sit in. I grabbed my earphones and connected it on my phone. I played one of my playlist. The sad one.

While listening, a tear fell unknowingly. Good thing nobody was around.

"Dont you dare cry......Dont.....its probably a misunderstanding."

I fidgetted on my phone only to dabte with my self to mesage you knowing you wont probably read it because of your tired from practice.

Come to think of it i think its my fault. Because i ignored you last time we saw each other. I texted you saying i was just feeling sick and just didnt want you to notice it. For you not to see my weakness.

I thought you already know me well. But i guess not. Please remeber this. If im ignoring you that would only mean one thing. I think somethings wrong between us.

If thats the problem, then please read my messages. ㅠㅠ

For petes sake im going crazy again. Its ny fault i know. I think. Im such a fool.

Sorry. Ill make it up to you promise. Just please dont do this.

Without U (Monsta X Minhyuk Ff) [Under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now