25 sensitive

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Chaesoo's Pov

Its been days since the 'scene' had happened. I never saw him since. And hell, this past few days i've been hella sensitive with everything. I,myself noticed it too.

Like if someone talks, i get annoyed to him/her even if she/he wasnt even talking to me. Jimin oppa got a piece of it too the other day. He was teasing about something and I got annoyed so I lured him into a room then locked him there for hours. After letting him out, he promise me that he'll never do it again.


Someone said from behind. I turned around and saw Minhyuk smiling while holding our order. We are now in a restaurant. We decided to go out since ive been locking myself in my room for days after my shift in the hospital.

My memories are starting to go back fyi. But heck my head hella hurts when i remember something.

"Good timing, im hungry"


He said as he handed me my food. He sat in the seat infront of mine.


He started. I looked up to him and raised my eyebrows. Meaning 'what?'

"Hmm?" I said as i munch my food.

"Your parents wants the wedding to happen asap" he said and I accidentally choked on my food. I was coughing.

He then quickly stood up as soon as i started to choke. He patted my back, rubbing it in a circular motion.

"Hey, what happened to you?" He said. I didnt answer him quickly because i was coughing continuesly. It took sometime until I stopped coughing.

"Im--o-kay" I couldnt speak properly because my throat hurts from all the coughing. He then handed me a glass of water, I quickly drank it. After sometime, I was fine.

"Hey will you be more careful? Huh? Please i dont want seeing you in pain" he said while patting my back.

"You can go back to your seat now." he then sat back in his seat.

"Geez, Eat your food slowly"

"Its your fault, you surprised me." He just laughed at me. He took a bite from his food and cheekily smiled at me.

"Yah! Did my parents really said that?" he nodded. "and they said i should take my time" i mumbled to myself hopefully Minhyuk didnt heard it.


We were inside a mall, shopping. We decided to come here since we both have a free time.

We were walking when Minhyuk's phone rang.


He had put it on loud speaker.

"Son!, where are you?!!"

"We're at a mall. Why do you sound like youre so panicked?"

"is Chaesoo with you?! Please tell me youre with her."

" I am mom, please calm down. What happened"

I started to worry. What couldve happned for Minhyuks mom to panic.

"Minhyuk..... Your father.... He needs Chaesoo..... Hes going through an heart attack again."

"what?! Ok we'll go there now. Where are you?"

"the hospital that Chaesoos Uncle owns"

"okay mom, we'll be there in a sec. Dont worry everything will be fine."

He then hang up. He took my hand and looked at me. He look like he was about to cry. I hugged him tight.

"Just like you said, everything will be fine. C'mon lets hurry. Your father needs me"

I then let go and ran with him while i was holding his hand. We quickly went in his car and drove.


When we got there, we quickly asked for the info.

"Doc. Park its good that your here. One of your patients have been brought here because of heart attack."

The nurse said. She is one of my assistant nurses by the way.


I said to her as we walked towards Minhyuks dads bed. (they are in the ER)


" Stop with the introductions. I know that already. Now tell me what happened? His relative called me"

"His wife said that he was only drinking coffee when suddenly when he stood up he fell in the ground while clouching his chest. Then she called for an ambulance right away and brought him here. It was good that he was brought here immediately"

She finished and i was already checking Minhyuks father since when i arrived his vitals were stabke already, all i needed to do was ensure his health and safety and ofcouse his state.

"Thanks Nurse Lim, now get some people and a room. We'll move Mr. Lee there. Okay? Do it immediately."

She nodded and left. I sat down next to his bed while monitoring his vitals. It seems to be stable now. Hopefully this is the last attack that he'll have. I dont know if his heart can take another one.

Without U (Monsta X Minhyuk Ff) [Under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now