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THE BLONDE BLINKED rapidly in shock

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THE BLONDE BLINKED rapidly in shock. She stared into Billie's eyes while she slowly pushed herself up to her feet. Death simply studied her reaction to the current situation, staring into those bright blue eyes that never seemed to go away.

" Do you remember anything?" Billie fills the tense silence around the room.

Zenja looks away from the woman and furrowed her brows as images flashed across her head. Fire, red eyes, blood and her brothers. It didn't make sense to her, nothing did.

" Bits and pieces," was the reply Billie received. The woman hummed at her answer and slowly walked towards her with calculating eyes. " I—Why am I here?" Zenja questions while she tried to remember the past events.

" In order to answer your question, first you must remember the past," Billie answers and Zen furrows her brows at her statement.

She groans in frustration, " I don't have time for your riddles, Billie. I need to get back to my brothers, they're probably looking for me—"

Billie rolled her eyes at the blabbering woman and simply slammed the bottom of her scythe on the white tiles, the thunder-like sound echoed around the room. Zenja immediately froze, her eyes glazed over as memories filled her head.

An image of Sam hovering above her wearing a panicked look on his face flashed through her head, followed by Dean who had wings unfurling behind him. She remembers the fight between Lucifer and Michael with the latter being the winner of the brawl. She remembers the blood that coated her palms as she lost her strength and fell against Sam's arms.

Then she remembers him.

She remembers the tears pouring down his face, lips moving rapidly but she didn't seem to hear what he was saying. She remembers cupping his tear stained cheeks and told him she loved him.

And then darkness engulfed her very being...followed by the loud roar of thunder. The sound brings her back from her from the deepest part of her mind and she gasps.

" Jack," the name flows out of her mouth before looking up at Billie with wide eyes.

" Do you remember now?" Billie questions with a brow raised.

Zenja breathes heavily and feels her abdomen, where the stab wound was supposed to be. Confusion dances in her eyes as she blurts. " I-I'm supposed to be dead. Why am I not dead? Why am I here of all places?"

" I'm asking myself that question Ms. Winchester. Why are you here?" Billie hums. " And then I figured it out. Your soul...it's different. Turns out what Michael did kept you alive...well, kind of."

" Michael? What did he—" Zenja stops herself when she remembers the excruciating pain she endured when they found Michael at the convenience store...well, it was more like he found them.

Zen absentmindedly places a hand on her chest as she recalled the situation. " You must be confused, Zenja Winchester," The blonde scoffs at Billie's words.

" Me? Confused? Really? Wow! What a revelation Bill! You should be the next fucking Sherlock Holmes," she sarcastically replies, ignoring the unamused glare from the woman in front of her.

Billie would've smited her right then and there for that response and for the blasted nickname, but this snappy, sarcastic blonde woman was important. All the Winchesters were important in this sad, depressed universe because without them...well, we all know what happens if the Winchester siblings didn't exist.

" May I continue?" Billie sighs and Zenja waves her hand in a circular motion as if to say 'proceed'.

" Michael...how shall I say this—woke up your grace," Zen blinks in confusion. " Grace? I-I'm human."

" Half human, sweetie. You are still part angel thanks to your father and your grandmother," Billie clarifies.

Various thoughts swam around Zenja's head from the revelation. She had seemed to forget that she was a daughter of a nephilim. " Wait...Michael—he called me a-a Neph—"

" A Nephilite," Billie finishes for her. " The offspring of a Nephilim and a human. An abomination."

" Wow, Bill. Why don't you tell me how you really feel," the blonde sasses with a roll of her eyes.

Billie growls at her lack of respect. " I will smite you—"

" But you won't," Zen cuts her off with a smug look on her face, her blue eyes glowing brighter at the last word. " You could've sent me into the empty with the click of your fingers the moment I called you 'Bill', but you didn't. Which lead me to the fact that you can't kill me...not yet. I'm important in some twisted way and you know that. And it pisses you off to know that I know this and you wish I never existed but boohoo honey boo bear, it's fucking happening," Zenja finishes.

Billie stared at her blankly, her hands clenched tightly on her scythe as she says, " Are you finished?"

" Yep, proceed," Zen breathes out.

Billie clenches her jaw in an attempt to calm herself. " How is it that you Winchesters always get on my nerve?" She mutters as she clicked her fingers.

Zenja suddenly felt a heavy weight dropped on her hands. She looked down and furrowed her brows in confusion when she sees a large leather bound book with gold engravings on the cover.

" What is this?" She questioned while examining the book in curiosity.

" Think of it like your little instruction manual. Everything you need to know about your kind is in that book," was the reply she received.

Zen scoffs. " Little? This thing weighs like a ton," she comments. " Wait a minute..." she mutters in realisation. " You're giving this to me 'cause I'm annoying you too much aren't I?" Zen laughs.

Billie doesn't answer her and instead stared at her with a blank face. But the blonde was right, death had more important things to do other than babysitting a damn Winchester.

" Goodbye, Mrs. Winchester," Billie states as she clicked her fingers.

" Wait—" Zen never got to finish her sentence because her vision turned black once again.

The blonde disappeared and Billie was left alone once again. The woman hums in delight at the newfound silence.

" This is going to be one hell of a show..."


I'm back bitches

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