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ZENJA WOKE UP with a start, her heart hammering on her chest, eyes wide in surprise

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ZENJA WOKE UP with a start, her heart hammering on her chest, eyes wide in surprise. A hand reached out to her shoulder and she slapped it away in fear.

" Hey,Hey it's me...you're alright," Sam soothed and she soon calmed down. " We're here," he states as he helps her out.

The moment Zenja steps out of the car, a wave of energy fills her body. Her eyes flashed electric blue and she breathes out, "He's here...I can feel him."

Sam smiled softly at her and turns to enter the bunker. Zenja stood still as she stared up at the building, her heart hammered against her chest as she feels his regenerating grace. It was little, but it was there. Her legs started walking on it's own and soon enough, she was through the bunker's doors.

As she walked down the metal staircase, memories started to resurface. The homey ambience brought a smile on her face, her fingers glided along the handles of the staircase, her eyes scanning the entire area.

She was home.

" Zenja?"

Her eyes moved towards the owner of the voice and she grinned. " Jeremiah?"

Jeremiah stood in the middle of the map room, eyes wide and filled with unshed tears. He grew a stubble and he looked much cleaner. Jeremiah Colt never looked better.

" You—how...They told me you died...how—how are you alive?" the words flew out of his mouth like word vomit.

Zen laughs. " Well, hello to you too." She says sarcastically. Jeremiah lets out a laugh before engulfing her in a hug.

" God, I missed that sarcastic mouth of yours," he breathes out before pulling away.

" I missed you too, Jer," She states, a small smile gracing her face.

Jeremiah let's out another breathy laugh. " I can't believe you're alive!"

" Well you better believe it, Jer."

Jeremiah stares at her for a minute, relishing in the fact that she was here, alive and well. She looked different—well no, she looked the same but there was something about her that screamed different. Her skin almost looked like it was glowing and her eyes had a blue tinge to it. It could be the result of his lack of sleep and he was imagining things, but he swore she looked flawless—no really, she didn't have any blemishes or wrinkles or scars to show that she was a hunter. In fact, she almost looked angelic.

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