(Chapter 25) Another Fight.... Really?

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(Day 17 of 30)

Kendall's POV

The funeral for Lindsay was very small seeing as though she didn't like very big events. Michael didn't show up and Kristy was very hesitant around the family. My mom has been staying with my aunt since the accident happened and Michael hasn't made any contact with his family.

I haven't seen or even heard from Michael since the day we had our fight. I already know that I shouldn't have said what I said but I hate it when anyone says horrible things about Mitch. Especially Michael. He knows that I hate it.

"Kendall?" Jenelle said breaking me out of my thoughts. I noticed that everyone was staring at me.

"Did you say something?" I asked and rubbed my temple.

"I asked how you were doing." She explained.

"What do you mean?" I questioned in a stupid way.

"About everything, just how are you?" She asked probably for a third time.

"I'm fine." I tried my best to lie.

"Uh huh." She replied obviously not believing me.

Everything got silent in the room again except for the shooting on whatever videogame the guys were playing. Louis and Eleanor were out again probably just touring around which is what we all did at different times. Niall and Zayn weren't here either so it just left Liam, Harry, Jenelle, and I in the house. Jenelle and Niall have gotten closer after Kristy stopped visiting. Zayn and Perrie have also hung out a few times and have gotten really close which is probably the best thing that could've happened to either of them.

"Kendall?" I heard someone say again.

"Hmm?" Was all I could say. I noticed that everyone was staring at me again. "What? Seriously." Just then I heard the door open and saw Perrie and Stefan enter the living room.

"Hey girl, hey!" Stefan laughed and jumped over the top part of the couch landing right next to me giving me a hug.

"Hi?" I questioned with a laugh.

"So I heard that you needed some cheering up from your awesome friend Stefan?" He said and pointed to himself.

"Who said that?" I asked and looked at Jenelle.

"Dude, no one had to tell me. I just know these things. It's like that telepathic thing." He explained while stuttering on the telepathic part.

"You don't even know how to say it." I laughed and hit his arm.

"See, I already helped!" He said in a proud tone.

"Stop bragging about it Styles." Perrie demanded and hit him in the face with a pillow.

"Wait? Your last name is Styles?" Harry questioned.


"Mate! Me too!" Harry laughed and they high-fived.

"See Kendall? Your best friends have the same last name. It's obvious that we are the bestest." He explained in a serious tone.

"Bestest huh?" I asked and he nodded.

"Too bad that's not a word." Jenelle said and lightly laughed.

"Too bad your face isn't a word." Perrie shot back at her. It didn't sound like a joke.

"Perrie?" I gave her a look to ask why she said that. I knew that she didn't like Jenelle Blair or Susan ever since the huge fight we had. I just didn't see why she was being rude.

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