(Chapter 31)

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"Ed, where's Travis?" I asked for a third time. As I was nervously tapping my foot on the bench. 

"It's bad Kendall, really bad. I don't know what to do!" He was saying frantically. "What do I do?" 

"You need to tell me where you are and what happened." I tried to say calmly. "Ed?" 

"We're on the corner of First and Main. The ambulance is here. I don't know where they are taking us. Do you want to talk to the nurse?" He asked. 

"Yes, Ed please." 

I very quietly heard Ed say "It's his guardian." To someone and then she answered. 

"Hello?" The female voice said. 

"Is Travis okay?" Was the only thing I could think of. 

"It looks as if he's been hit by a car. The damage that was done to him, we don't think he'll recover. We need you to get to the Community Hospital up the road. Please get there soon." She sighed and hung up. 

"What happened?" Harry asked and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. Which is what he does when I'm crying. Was I crying? 

"Travis is going to the hospital. We need to get to the hospital." I said and stood up quickly. Harry soon running with me to the car. I sat in the passenger seat and Harry drove. He place his hand on my knee and sighed. 

"He's a strong kid. He'll make it." He said and I turned to him. 

"The last two times I was in a hospital someone died. What if it happens again?"  I questioned and another tear ran down my cheek. "I can't go in there. What if he dies because I'm in there?" 

"Hey, he's going to be okay. He needs to Kendall. You need to be in there for him. I think he would want you to be in there. I'll call the guys and tell them to come if you want?" He asked and I nodded. 

"Yeah, when we get to the hospital. Are the 5 Seconds of Summer guys there yet?" I shrugged. 

"Maybe, I heard you and Ashton were talking over Twitter and you started to text  the other day." He smiled.

"Yeah, we're friends. He's really nice. He was talking to me and helping me through the whole Liam thing. Same thing you helped me with." I explained and his smile got bigger. 

"I'm glad we can do that for you. It's good that you're getting better." If only he knew I wasn't better at all. 


I ran into the hospital and almost tripped while coming up to the front desk. "Where's Travis Davis?" I asked frantically. 

"He's in room 307 third door on your right." She said while pointing down the hallway, and I ran down the way she pointed. 

I quickly opened the door to find no bed. I looked to the chair and saw Ed with his head in his hands. "Ed, where is he?" 

"They took him into surgery, they don't think he's going to make it Kendall. It's all my fault." He sobbed and Harry walked in with his phone to his ear. 

"Yeah, bring them too. I'm sure Kendall wants to see Ashton. Just make sure Liam doesn't bring Sophia, she doesn't need that right now." He sighed, "See you soon." and hung up. 

I turned back to Ed, "Ed, please just tell me what happened." 

Ed's POV

(Before the Accident) 

"So, Melaney is going to be at the game. Watching you, and yeah." I joked with Travis while walking to our first football game of the season. 

"I know, but it's not like anything can happen between us. I'm going away in a few days." He shrugged. 

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