Chapter 51

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Niall's POV

"Wait. Dead girlfriend?" She asked and turned her head to me. "Niall I'm so sorry that happened to you. It must be horrible." She sighed. "She knows you won't forget her though." 

"Yeah, see. Not your girl." Harry slurred and and sat down on the couch. "So, stop trying." 

"I'm going to bed." She stated and started walking out of the room. 

"Kendall. Maybe you shouldn't be with him." Ashton told her and touched her shoulder. She shrugged his arm away and walked out of the room. 

"Well, go run after her. Go explain everything, go apologize and fall in love with her all over again." Harry yelled and threw his hands up in rage. 

"This is ridiculous Harry! What's gotten into you. I've known you for so long and I've never seen you like this." Eleanor said and rubbed her forehead. "I'm sorry to say this, but Kendall deserves way better." 

"And Louis doesn't deserve better?" He questioned and she gasped. "Yeah. I went there." 

"Harry." Dani started but he interrupted her. 

"This doesn't concern you." He yelled. 

"Yes it does. Kendall and Eleanor are my friends. I am not going to let some drunk guy ruin Kendall! Do you realize what you probably just did to her?" She yelled clearly not having any of this. "I have put of with some of the things you have done for a long enough time!" She said and he looked shocked. "Yeah. I went there." She mocked him. 

At this point almost everyone was gone. They were either out around town or they were at the studio. Louis, Liam, Ashton, Luke, Harry, Eleanor, Dani, Kendall and I were here. It was only 3 in the afternoon, boy this is a long day. "Niall, Ashton, Luke. Can you guys just, find something to do with yourselves for a little while?" Eleanor asked and I hesitantly agreed to leave. I walked into my room and Kendall was sitting on my bed, staring at the ground. 

"Hey." I sighed and ran a finger through my messy hair. 

"Is it true?" She asked, her eyes not leaving the floor. "That the girl you were talking to died?" 

"Well, she went to the hospital for blood loss. About a year ago. She told me that her dad tried to hurt her again, so she was going to hurt herself. Before I could find out anymore, I saw posts from her mom that she was in the hospital. I was so scared. I thought I was going to lose her. Then, she stopped answering my phone calls, my texts, my DMs. Everything. It was all gone. Like she dropped off the face of the Earth. Like she died." I shrugged and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Her name was Kendall. When Liam mentioned you I thought it was a coincidence. Then I saw you, and I was just glad you were okay." 

"Are you saying that I was dating you before I knew Liam?" She asked and I nodded. "I mean, I guess it's possible. I only wanted to know. As far as I'm concerned I'm still with Harry." 

"After what you just saw?" 

"Niall, just because he had a bad day, doesn't mean I'm going to give up on him." She explained and finally stood up from the bed. 

"Kendall, I love Harry to death. But, he could destroy your living room every time someone pisses him off." I stated and she laughed. 

"I shouldn't have asked you. I thought you would've understood. But, I guarantee this is a fake story. So, you can make Harry jealous. You're supposed to be my best friend Niall!" She sighed and a tear ran down her cheek. 

"I'm not lying Kendall." I said and she shook her head. She pushed past me and through the door. 

Kendall's POV 

I don't know what was going through my mind. But, somehow I ended up crying. "I'm so pathetic." I sighed to myself and wiped a tear off my face. Suddenly, my nose connected with a hard chest. I looked up and I saw Liam. He gave me a sympathetic look and I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my arms around him and he tensed up. He smelled the same, it was the smell I missed. He wrapped his arms around me and he seemed to relax. 

"You are not pathetic." He stated and rubbed my back. 

"I feel pathetic. I mean, I was so stupid for going out with Harry when I'm still in love with you." I said and then pulled away from the hug. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't apologize. Wanna go and talk about it in my room?" He asked and I nodded. 

I plopped down on his bed and he looked at me. "What?" I questioned and his cheeks flushed. 

"I just miss you." He shrugged. "It's impossible for me to not think about you during the day." 



"Don't say sorry." This conversation is going nowhere. I don't know what I was expecting out of this. 

"So, I love you." 


"Because I do. I didn't choose to. I love you with everything I have." 

"Liam, I love you too. But, I'm with Harry and I love him." 

"Do you, or do you just think you do? Are you just trying to drown the fact that you still love me?" He asked. 

"I- I don't know." 

"Kendall, just admit to yourself that you know this feels just as right I think it does." He had his hands on either side of my legs and he was eye level with me. I grabbed his face with my hands and connected his lips with mine. 

??? POV 

"What?" Kendall questioned and at first I thought they knew I was out here. 

"I just miss you. It's impossible for me not to think about you during the day." Liam explained to her, I'm guessing. 



"Don't say sorry." Why am I listening to this conversation, it's pointless. 

"So, I love you." Yup, that's why I'm listening. 

"Why?" Well, what kind of question is that? 

"Because I do. I didn't choose to." Is that like a diss? "I love you with everything I have." 

"Liam, I love you too. But, I'm with Harry and I love him." She stated and I laughed silently. 

"Do you, or do you just think you do? Are you just trying to drown the fact that you still love me?" 

"I- I don't know." 

"kendall, just admit that you know this feels just as right as I think it does." He said and I understood about 3 words. What did that mean? 

I decided that I didn't want to listen to this anymore so I continued my walk down the hall way. "Hey, do you know where Kendall is?" Harry asked me. 

"Ooh, you magically not drunk anymore?" 

"Shut up. Where is she?" 

"Probably with her lover." I shrugged. 


"Maybe. If that's her lover. She's bad news if you ask me." 

"I wasn't asking you." He hissed and continued his walk down the hallway. 

"You will be though." 




Well, vote and comment your thoughts and stuff. :P 

~Ashley P.S. I totally almost spelled my name wrong. 

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