(Chapter 34)

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We walked back outside after stopping in all of the classrooms. "You never told me your dad was that horrible." He sighed once we got in the car. 

"Oh, I guess it just slipped my mind." I shrugged. 

"Oh." He replied. 

"It's not that I didn't want to tell you, it's that I wanted to forget. The only two people that know are Perrie and Stefan." I explained. 

"Kendall, it's okay. I don't really expect you to be throwing that fact around all the time. I just want you to know that he wont hurt you ever again. Okay?" He assured me and I nodded. 


We pulled back into the driveway of the house and Stefan's car was parked on the lawn. I saw all of them sitting in lawn chairs in the back yard by the pool. (including Perrie, Stefan, Stefan's fiance Piper, Eleanor and Megan) The boys weren't home yet but Harry said they'd be back soon. "Kendall!" Megan screamed and ran over to me giving me a big hug. 

"Hey baby girl! I missed you so much." I smiled. Megan was only 6 years old and like Stefan she was like my family. She was tiny for a 6 year old and had long black hair like Stefan's. "Hey Piper." I smiled. 

"Hey Kendall. How've you been?" She questioned. 

"Well I could be better." I shrugged and she nodded.

"Guys! We're back!" Liam called from the front yard. 

"Kendall? What's Mr. Dimple Curly Face's name?" Megan asked and for some reason I started laughing. 

"Well, his name isn't Mr. Dimple Curly Face." I explained and Harry automatically knew she was talking about him. 

"You know that song you like? What Makes You Beautiful? Well you'll never guess this, but him and his friends sing that song." I explained and her face lit up. 

"No way! That's awesome. I'm Megan." She smiled and held her hand out to Harry.

"I'm Harry." He replied.

"Did your mom name you because of your hair?" She questioned and he laughed and we all heard laughter behind him.

"No, I actually don't know why my mom chose that name. I'll have to ask her sometime. Then I'll tell you. Okay?" He smiled. 

"That guy over there is my brother. Do you know him?" She asked. 

"Yes, I know Stefan. I've met him a few times." Harry explained as the other guys appeared from behind him. 

We all sat down in a circle near the pool for a few minutes, "Do you know when Dani and Chloe are going to be here?" I questioned. 

"She said she was on her way. So they should be here soon." Piper answered. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry. I totally didn't introduce myself. "I'm Piper."






All of them answered at a time. "Well, I kinda know that. Kendall never ever shut up about you guys and how amazing you all were. And I know she's dating one of you so who is it?" Piper questioned with a smirk.

"It's not really offical yet, but I guess me." Harry smiled.

"Don't worry! The party's here now!" I heard from the front yard.

Perrie, Piper and I looked at each other.  "Chloe." We said at the same time and started laughing. 

"Kendall!" She screamed and ran over to me. "I've missed to so much!" She giggled.

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