Chapter 50

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"You realize you just said that you and Liam don't have a good relationship, right?" She questioned with a small laugh. 

"Liam and I don't have a relationship." I answered. In all honesty, we never made anything official. He was probably still hooked on Kendall anyways. 

"Well, you both like each other. Why not date?" She questioned. 

"Because, he probably-" I started but was interupted. 

"Don't say he's still hooked on Kendall. Because if people let that stop them, half the people in the world wouldn't have relationships. Including Harry and Kendall. Even Zayn and Perrie. Hell, everyone of us." She threw her hands up. 

"What if he still loves her?" I questioned. 

"And Kendall probably still loves him. That didn't stop Harry. He wanted her before Niall got her." She said and I stopped dead in my tracks. 


"Niall likes Kendall. Like a lot. But, Harry got her first." She shrugged.

"So this is just a game to him? Harry doesn't even have feelings for her?" I felt enraged hoping for Eleanor to say the opposite of what I thought. 

"NO! He definitely has feelings for her. Or at least he does now. I think. In the beginning he just wanted her to make Niall jealous. He cares for her. Mainly because they're best friends. Now, I truly believe he does have feelings. And your stupid friend screwed that up. But, at least now she'll end up with the guy who loved her since the beginning." 

"What are you talking about, since the beginning?" I asked. 

"You mean Kendall never told you anything? Wow. She's good with secrets. I wonder if Perrie knows." 

"Just tell me what happened. Please." 


"So, Niall was telling the guys about a girl that followed him on Instagram about a year ago. Of course, I was confused on how she was different. I remember he distinctly said 'She's one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. She loves the same things I do. And I'm planning on messaging her on Twitter." He was planning on following her, giving this girl almost everything she ever wanted. Niall never told any of the guys her real name. Of course he would have if he knew her name. 

"He talked about her every day. But never telling her name, I thought by now he would've known it. He probably did. He also never showed any pictures of her. We had no idea what she looked like. About a month later Niall told me what her name was. He said "So, you know that girl I've been talking to, and about? Her name's Kendall." I didn't even tell Louis. I thought that if Niall wanted them to know, he'd tell them. 

"One day, he didn't talk about her at all. I'll try to tell you the whole conversation but I'm sure I forgot most of it." 

Eleanor's POV (Past) 

"Mate, why aren't you telling us your latest scoop on your girlfriend?" Louis laughed and put his arm around me. I knew why Niall wasn't talking about her. And I was surprised that he wasn't crying his eyes out. 

"I just don't want to." he shrugged. 

"Did she break up with you? Tough break man." Liam laughed and I had enough. 

"Stop laughing at him! Seriously. Niall just tell them what happened to her." I sighed and he brushed a tear off his cheek. 

"She's in the hospital. Serious blood loss." He explained. 

"What happened to her?" Harry asked, him being the only one who wasn't laughing before. 

"She hurt herself. I mean, she was doing so well, she was almost two months clean. Now her stupid dad found her again." He cried and I ran over to him. 

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