Justice - The Quirk

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Izuku Midoriya is a four-year-old boy, but a weird one. For some strange reason, he always gets angry when someone else is being hurt in any way possible. It doesn't even have to be people he knows. He gets angry and tries to defend them, but he can't. Why? He doesn't have the power to do so... At least, that's what everyone thought.

He was sitting in a sandbox playing by himself. He had forest-green hair, freckles, emerald-green eyes, and an under the average body. He was minding his own business when he suddenly heard a small cry for help and a loud and angry voice. "Don't you go around and talk shit about me!" he recognized the voice as Katsuki Bakugo - His childhood friend turned bully. The small boy looked up to see Katsuki and his two minions standing over a seemingly invisible girl. "B-But I-I-I d-didn't. They w-were l-l-lying," she replied. "I trust them more than you, disabled air!" Katsuki shouted and loaded his fist to explode the girl.

Without even thinking, Izuku ran up to Katsuki and hit him in the side, sending him flying into a tree before he could harm the girl even more. His two minions peed their pants of the power Izuku showed. They managed to run away, leaving Katsuki alone against Izuku. Katsuki was beaten badly and tried to get up, but he was unable to due to Izuku pinning him against the tree with one hand on his collarbone. Katsuki was terrified. "What is it, Katsuki? Lost your words?" Katsuki was even more terrified once Izuku said to him. The aura that Izuku was giving off was enough for anyone to be scared, but the way he spoke and the fact Izuku called him Katsuki instead of his nickname Kacchan made it a hundred times scarier. "Please don't hurt me! I promise to not hurt her or you again!" Katsuki screamed in fear. "That's what I wanted to hear," Izuku said and let Katsuki down. "Now, get out of here," Izuku said and waved Katsuki away. Katsuki ran home crying.

Izuku turned around and noticed the floating clothes. He ran over to them and asked, "Are you okay?" "Y-Yeah. Thank you so much. I really owe you. My name is Toru Hagakure, and I can't even describe how thankful I am for you saving me," Toru said bowing. "Oh, it was nothing. I mean that's what heroes are supposed to do, right?" Izuku said scratching his neck. "Oh, and my name is Izuku Midoriya. I hope we can be good friends." "Me too, but if I may ask, what is your quirk? It seemed really powerful, being able to beat Katsuki like that." Toru said. "To be completely honest, I don't even know what that was. I know I have a quirk, it's called Justice, but it only lets me know what is the right thing to do, not give me immense speed and strength." Izuku replied. "Do you think that your quirk can have developed to your body and lack of power?!" Toru asked. "That doesn't sound too farfetched, actually! I'll go to the doctor right away. How about we meet here tomorrow and I'll tell you the results?" Izuku suggested. "That sounds great, Izuku. And good luck with your quirk!" Toru said. "Bye, Toru! I'll hopefully see you tomorrow!" Izuku said before he ran off. "Goodbye, Izuku!"

Izuku ran inside his house and called for his mom, "Mom, I think my quirk has developed! Can we go to the doctor to check it out?!" His mom was caught off guard of the small child bursting into the kitchen. "Sure, Izuku. But let's do it tomorrow. It's going to be dark outside soon." Inko replied. "But I wanna check it now. I think I used it today when I saved someone." Izuku said. "Okay, okay, let me get dressed and we'll go there now," Inko said in defeat.

At the doctor's office:                        

"I'm happy to say your son has a stronger quirk than we first thought." the doctor told the Midoriyas. Izuku beamed with happiness. "Then, doctor, what are the differences?" Inko asked. "As you know, his last version of the quirk was just a strong meaning of what's right and what's wrong." the doctor started and Inko nodded. "Well, now it seems that whenever he uses his quirk he gets a boost in bravery, confidence, physical abilities, and intelligence. It also seems that he has a small healing quirk that can develop over time. However, it seems like there is a permanent boost in charm and luck. The sad part about the charm boost is that it can become too strong to resist. That means he can distract anyone from what they were previously doing, and he'll be swarmed by people that have weak minds." the doctor said and ultimately worried Inko. "Is there any way to turn the charm off, so he doesn't have such a hard childhood?" she asked. "Sadly, no. But it can only affect people that have completely human bodies and if Izuku has seen their face." the doctor said and Inko calmed down a little bit. Inko then got up from her chair and picked up a drowsy Izuku. "Thank you, doctor, and before we leave is there possible to get a paper with all the confirmation of Izuku's quirk so he can look at it tomorrow?" Inko asked. "That's perfectly fine." the doctor replied and gave her a paper with all the information on. Inko and Izuku then took their leave. Izuku was now sleeping peacefully, but Inko sighed and prayed for him to have a normal life.

The next day Izuku woke up and asked his mom for information about his quirk because he didn't really hear that much at the doctor's office. She took out the paper about his quirk and told him about everything except the charm because she thought it would be better for him to not know about it. Oh, how wrong she was *gets hit by Inko* OWWW! WHY DID YOU HIT ME?! "DON'T SPOIL ANYTHING, IDIOT!" Oh, yeah. Sorry, but now let's move on. Izuku thought it was a really cool quirk. It even seemed stronger than Katsuki's.

Izuku met up with Toru later that day, and he told her about the changes of his quirk. She did also believe it was stronger than Katsuki's. The two kids then talked a bit about themselves and quickly became best friends. They then went around the playground and played in happiness of each others company for the rest of the day.

End of Chapter 1!

A/N: I have so many ideas and so little motivation to write this. I even have three other stories to tend too, and they are also at least this long every chapter. I'm constantly trying to make chapters that are this long. But without taking that into the equation, I'm having fun. I'm getting so inspired by other great writers like MySoulReader. And I hope I can be as successful as them one day. But one step at a time, and right now it's time to end this chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

(Word Count: 1090!)

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