Winter Soldier's Apprentice

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A/N: Pleases read the author's notice at the end. I explain a little bit there.

Last Chapter:

We cut off the story just when Izuku heard an explosion from downtown and he feared the worst.

Onto this chapter:

Izuku was running towards the chaos. He could hear panicked screams and more explosions every minute. He was running as fast as he could, and that was really fast.

When he reached the scene, he could see a handful of pro heroes trying to capture a villain. However, it wasn't just any villain. It was the villain that had tried to attack Izuku earlier. But what really disturbed Izuku was the person that the villain had taken hostage. The person had blonde, spiky hair, and red eyes. It was Katsuki. His eyes were as red as usual, but there was an emotion in them that Izuku hadn't seen in 10 years, fear. Katsuki was afraid for his life, and the fact that his quirk is used to harm people and cause damage. The heroes didn't do anything. They were standing still and waiting for a hero with a more suitable quirk to show up.

That was when Izuku saw another hero join the scene and charge the villain with his metal arm. He dodged all the attacks from the villain and sliced one of his eyes. The villain screamed in agony again and started punching aimlessly. He was blinded. The hero, however, was thinking of what to do. He had nothing that was able to capture the villain. And was definitely not suited for this type of situation. He was losing stamina really fast due to the fire everywhere. After all, he wasn't good against heat and everybody knew that. That was the one weakness of the Winter Soldier.

The other heroes were still just standing and watching the fight take place. Izuku was disgusted by them. They weren't real heroes, and they were definitely not someone Izuku would trust his life with. The Winter Soldier was the only real hero around, and that was the reason he was the number 3 hero. Even with his weakness, he charged into battle, risking his life just to save a kid he didn't even know. Izuku was, at the time, really inspired by the Winter Soldier's bravery and heroism.

Without even thinking, he charged into battle alongside the hero. Winter Soldier saw that Izuku was heading towards him and the villain and he didn't try to stop him. He smiled and turned back to the blinded villain. "Let's do this, kid!" he said and charged the villain. He drew the villains attention by shouting and making noise. The villain, unknown to the other person trying to take him down, made an opening. Izuku saw the opening and grabbed a metal pipe. He sliced through the villain, seperatingKatsuki from the main body. He quickly grabbed the unconscious Katsuki and ran back to the heroes. He handed Katsuki to the heroes, and before the heroes could stop him, he ran back into battle.

The slime villain noticed that he didn't have a hostage anymore and was full of rage. He charged the Winter Soldier, but Winter Soldier just dodged his attack. Izuku used the opening left by the distracted villain and sliced the villain into many small pieces with the metal pipe. Before the villain could get back together a third hero came into the battle. It was the new hero Kamui Woods, and he scooped up all the pieces of the villain with his branches. The crowd was clapping and cheering for the trio that saved the day.

After the battle, Izuku was surprised by the number of people that congratulated him and gave him compliments on his actions. There was also a lot of ladies and young women that blushed by the handsomeness of the 14-year-old. However, the heroes that ended up not doing anything was jealous of the 14-year-old and started to scold him about "not using his quirk in public", and "leaving the job for the heroes". Izuku was also overwhelmed by newscaster and reporters to ask him questions, some a little too personal. There was one hero that saw the kid struggling with all the attention so he walked over to all the people surrounding the kid. "*Ahem*" he fake coughed and the people turned to him. First off, he started scolding the heroes, "You talk about him leaving the job to you, but you didn't do anything. You also let a kid and a hero with a great disability to heat lead the battle against a fairly strong villain. You also let a kid do your job for you." he then turned to the news people, "Give him some space. He isn't even a young adult by the looks of it, and he is definitely tired from the fight. Let him rest and wait a few years, and then you can talk to him. Because by that time, I'm sure this kid is going to be one of the next big heroes." The news people left the scene and the heroes also left after giving apologies to Izuku for scolding him for no good reason.

Right now Izuku is walking home in peace, not noticing many ladies give him lustfull looks. Once he was in an empty street he heard someone running towards him. Izuku got ready in a fighting stance, but luckily for him, it was someone he knew fairly well. It was the winter soldier. "Hey, kid. I wanted to talk to you about something, but first off, what's your name?" he asked. "Uh... My name is Izuku Midoriya. What was it you wanted to talk about?" Izuku replied, surprised that the number 3 hero wanted to talk with him. "Well, it's nice to meet you, young Midoriya." the winter soldier started "I want to train you." Izuku was surprised the number 3 hero wanted to train him. "What?! Why do you want to train me, sir?" he asked. "You showed great heroism back there, and that reminded me of an old friend of mine. You may have heard about him, but onwards. You showed those heroes what it means to be a real hero, and for that, I'm going to help you achieve your goal." the winter soldier said, "Oh, and my name is Bucky Barnes, but you can just call me Buck." Now Izuku even knew the name of a great hero. "I accept your offer and I am grateful you think so highly of me. What training are we going to do?" he asked. "Meet me tomorrow at Dagobah beach at 6:00 in the morning. There we will start and complete your training so you can become a hero." Buck said and left without a reply from Izuku.

Izuku then walked home, and couldn't wait for tomorrow. Just think about it. He is able to train with one of the greatest heroes in the world...

End of chapter 3!

A/N: It would be highly appreciated if you went and checked out my other stories. "Wow, author. Self-promotion?" Oh, shut up Bucky. I changed Toru's name, because I had spelled it wrong, and a bit of the description of the Winter Soldier. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter! Author out!

(Word Count: 1144!)

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