Entrance Exam

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A/N: Heyo! I'm back! Sorry for the long wait. I've just been sleeping for a few weeks? months? I have no idea how long it has been. But here's the newest chapter of this story! Hope you enjoy!

Day of The Entrance Exam:

Today was the day. It was finally time to take the entrance exam so Izuku could get into UA. He was currently standing in front of the huge gate that was the entrance to the prestigious hero school, UA. People were inside the gates and most of them were just chilling and talking to each other.

Izuku stood in awe at the big school as he wasn't activating his quirk. The reason being that he didn't want to be thought of as an adult just yet. Another thing is that he wanted to be himself the first time he came here. And, when he's not activating his quirk, he's a huge hero fan and he's even written several hero-journals with facts about certain heroes quirk, but also the strengths and weaknesses of those quirks.

He left his awestruck state behind him and started walking into UA with a load of confidence. That was until a voice behind him made him jump in surprise. "Deku!" Izuku turned around to see a fuming Bakugo heading towards him. "What the fuck do you think you're doing here?!"

Izuku was annoyed by this encounter and therefore resorted to the most logical reply, "I'm here to take the entrance exam, just like you. Although if you pass or not is the real question here." Several people around tensed up a bit by the comment made by Izuku.

"Oi, just because you're activating your quirk right now doesn't mean you can go around and talk the talk but not walk the walk." Izuku only got more annoyed that Bakugo thought he was activating his quirk.

"Actually, Bakugo, I'm not activating my quirk right now. This is my normal look now." Izuku stated. "Ha! Right! Like the pebble you are, you could never get that physique without a quirk!" Bakugo was in disbelief that Izuku wasn't using his quirk.

Izuku simply walked over to Bakugo and looked down on him as he was a few centimeters taller. "Wanna see?" he asked as Bakugo just nodded nervously. Suddenly, Izuku started growing taller, more muscles were seen on his body and his outfit now was a bit too small for him. His face changed into a young adult's and he took a more intimidating look. Bakugo was literally shaking in his boots at the sight of the 'man' in front of him. "What is it, Kacchan? Lost your words?" Izuku had just mentioned what he said all those years ago, and that made Bakugo almost piss his pants. But, it also had a positive reaction towards one person that was nearby. 'It's him! It's really him!'

After intimidating Bakugo until he almost deflated, Izuku was proud of himself but he wouldn't let it get to his head. He simply turned around, turned off his quirk, and walked inside the school while getting looks from many bypassers.

After the Written Exam:

Izuku was currently on the way to the auditorium where someone would go through the whole practical exam. He was still getting looks from other people but they didn't bother him much.

However, as he was walking in the hallway towards the auditorium, he noticed a girl with brown hair that was about to fall face first on the floor. Izuku would not let something happen, so he sprinted towards her without the usage of his quirk and slid under her to lighten the impact.

She had closed her eyes and when she didn't fall on the cold, flat floor, but rather a more warmer, softer thing she opened her eyes and saw that she was laying on top of Izuku Midoriya, the boy that cleaned the beach and had caught her eye.

She quickly got up and apologized to Izuku while rapidly bowing and with a huge blush on her face, "I-I-I-I'm s-s-so s-s-s-sorry, I-I-Izuku! I... I didn't mean to... to fall on you!" Izuku just brushed himself off and got up. "No worries Uraraka. After all, I shouldn't let a pretty girl get dirty." He gave her a heartwarming smile as her blush intensified and she almost fell again. This time, Izuku just got a hold on her and balanced her until she could stand again. "But, hey, we don't want to be too late for the orientation. Let's go!" Izuku took her hand and made his way to the auditorium with a blushing Ochaco Uraraka behind him. What he didn't notice was a certain girl that saw the whole thing. 'Why does my heart hurt when I see him with her?'

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