The Truth Always Finds A Way

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The next day, Harry decides after a long time of thinking that what he’s doing isn’t right. He realizes he needs to call Alison to clear things up. How can he go to the dance with both his girlfriend and Alison? He picks up his phone, ready to tell her the truth. He begins to dial her number. 

Alison: Hello? …hello, Harry?

Harry spaces out, thinking about how he should tell her the truth, but he doesn’t want to hurt her.

Harry: Oh sorry, sorry hey Alison! Umm…so about the dance…

Alison: Sorry I’m taking a long time! I’m almost ready.

Harry was about to tell Alison the truth, but his instincts took over and instead came up with the most absurd lie.

Harry: Well actually…I’m kind of sick, I don’t think I can go to the dance…

Alison: Wait? Okay…feel better

Harry: But I don’t think you should go without me, because uhh...I don’t want you to get hurt.

Alison: …I got ready though? And I don’t mind going alone.

Harry: I hope you’re not mad at me, I’m so sorry!

Alison: No, don’t be! If you need anything, you can just call me? I’ll keep my phone on for you.

Harry: Oh- Uh…thanks. So you’re not going, right?

Alison: I mean…if you don’t want me to, then I guess not.

Harry: GOOD! Uhm… sorry again…

Alison: I don’t want to keep you waiting, get well soon.

Alison starts to take off her jewelry slowly. She begins to wonder how Harry could get so sick so fast.  She starts believing that Harry is not interested in her and all his flirting was just her mistaking his nice gestures.  Her brother interrupts her thoughts. Ever since the incident with Derrick, Tyler has been extremely over protective of his little sister. He blames himself everyday for not being more concerned about her life. He believed every lie she told him about those cuts and bruises. Since then, she has always stopped opening up to guys. To this day, she has always questioned herself as to why he did that to her. She did nothing wrong. Of course with Tyler being so protective, he automatically asks:

Tyler: Please don’t tell me you have a date?

Alison: I do…did but I’m not going anymore.

Tyler: Why not? Anyways, it doesn’t matter, you don’t need a date.  

Alison: He was just a friend.

Tyler: Who?

Alison: Does it matter? He’s no one special…

Tyler: Good, you don’t need anyone special. Remember what happened last time someone “special” came around? Derrick…

As soon as that name slipped out of Tyler’s mouth, Alison froze as chills ran down her spine. All the flashbacks come to her mind at once.  The name, Derrick, was echoing inside her head over and over again. She remembered that rainy night and immediately, tears start forming in her eyes. She quickly turns around before Tyler could notice.

Alison: Whatever Tyler, please leave.

Tyler: I just want to be there for you because I wasn’t before.

Alison: Okay, you can be there for me later.

Tyler: Sorry I brought it up. 

Tyler leaves the room, upset at himself for making his little sister cry. Alison wipes her tears, and looks in the mirror with a newfound confidence. “I’m not gonna let Derrick control my life. He’s a million miles away; he can’t do anything to me. He’s dead to me.  I don’t care what Tyler said, I’m still going to the dance.” She thought to herself. She quietly goes downstairs, as Tyler is in his room. He’s clueless to what she is doing. Right as she was about to grab her mom’s car keys from the kitchen counter, someone turns the lights on. Alison quickly turns around and notices her mom.

Mom: Where are you going?

Alison: Umm… there’s a dance at my school. Can I go?

She said hesitantly.

Mom: Sure, that sounds fine. I’m glad you’ve gotten over the fact that-

Alison: Bye mom.

She didn’t want to hear another lecture from anyone. She gets in the car and drives off. “I’m not going to let anyone ruin this night for me. Starting now, I control my life, and no one else.” She thought to herself as she drove to the dance. Suddenly her thoughts begin to wonder about Harry. She quickly shakes off the thoughts of him. Instead she starts to think about who she will hang out with there. Right away, Liam Payne pops into her mind, her friend she met in Chemistry.  She remembers how nice and down to earth he is, and how his smile can light up a room. As soon as she met him, she knew he would be one of her good friends. After only a few minutes, she finally arrives. Alison looks around as someone calls her name. She turned around and noticed it was Liam.

Liam: Alison, come dance with us!

Alison: Liam!

Liam opens his arms for a hug from his new friend.

Liam: Sorry I can’t dance…

Alison: Haha everyone can! Just try.

Liam starts dancing to the song “Gold Digger.” Alison can’t help but laugh.

Alison: Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh. But that was pretty good!

Liam: You’re such a bad liar.

She can’t help but smile, because of his innocent British accent.

She hears another familiar voice from behind.

Natalie: Alison, hey! I didn’t know you would come.

Harry’s girlfriend walks closer to Alison and pulls Harry’s arm softly out of the crowd with her.

Alison: Oh hey Natali- Harry? You came to the dance?

Harry: Hey Alison…

 @_District1D @infecteddeeply

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