Ch. 28

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*Emma's P.O.V*

I didn't want to go and talk to Joey. I didn't want to do anything productive.

*knock knock*

Oh shit Shane is here I didn't expect him to be here that early.

I ran over to the door, opened it and pulled Shane inside.

"Woah feisty are we this morning?" He said chuckling

"Lemme explain first here it goes Joey cheated on me with Meghan and wants me to go over there to let him explain but I don't wanna go alone will you go with me?" I said

"Let me get this straight Joey cheated on you with Meghan and you don't wanna go over there alone to let him explain?" Shane said with a hint of confusion in his voice

"Yes! Now let's go." said pulling him out the door to my car.


*At Joey's*

We pull into Joey's driveway after a what should be fifteen minute drive turned into 45 minutes.

I knocked on the door Shane still walking up the pathway.

"Hey Emma what are you doing here?" David asks

"Is Joey home he called me and asked if I could come over and talk to him." I said

"Yeah he's up in his room-" he was cut off by Joey walking down the stairs

"Hey Em come on." Joey said his cheeks stained with tears.

"Shane." I yelled to get his attention, he was admiring the plants.

"Coming." he yelled back

"That's what she said." David joins in on the yelling fest.

Joey tugs at my arm signaling for me to go up with him. He leads me to his room, closes the door and sits on his bed.

"Emma are you cheating on me with Shane?" he asks me.

"What?" I say confused

"That's what Meghan said. She said she was suspicious of you and Shane together." He said looking down at his hands.

I sighed knowing that what I was about to say could make or break our relationship together.

"Joey I have something to tell you..." I said

"What?" he asked looking at me.

"When I was about 18 or 19 I was depressed and was about to commit suicide, but then I got an personal message from Shane... He told me that if I was ever down to call him, I ended up texting him and next thing I know he's flying out to Denver to see me. Shane a 23 year old man flying halfway across the country to see a depressed teen. Well a week after he was there I got a phone call that I was chosen to be on the L.A Bruins softball team as well as a free ride to college. Shane offered to let me stay at his moms house instead of the dorms. Before we left Denver he asked me out and I said yes so we were dating for about 3 months or so and then cheated on me with Lisa after he shot his Christmas short film. I told him to not expect me to be home that night and went to a friends dorm until I got my own. I haven't seen Shane in 3 years." I said finally finishing my story.

"Wow I'm shocked." He said staring blankly.

"I like you Joey I truly do.  It's just being around Shane again is making my feelings for him a lot bigger and stronger." I said looking him in the eyes, holding back tears. "I just don't wanna be torn."



I don't really have an excuse for lack of updates. Just stressed that's all!

Twitter: @disn3yprinc3ss

Instagram: alexis.nicole.1

Vine: Alexis Nicole


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