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Shane proposed to Emma on 12/13/14. And did a little something that same night. Well today they're gonna find out that their little adult sleepover had a major impact on the rest of their life.

"Hey Shaney!" Emma said walking out of the bathroom "So daddy..."

"Is this some kind of kink that you have that I never knew about? Because if so we can go and put it to use." Shane said

"No, it's just I want you to get used to be calling dad, daddy, father, da da.. Must I go on? Or do you get the picture?" Emma said being a little too obvious

"You mean? No fucking way I'm going to be a dad!? HOLY SHITBALLS IM GONNA BE A DAD!!" Shane said jumping up an picking Emma up and kissing her.

That was the beginning of the rest of their life.


Today is the day they've been waiting so long for. Emma was now showing and was 5 months and 2 weeks pregnant.

"Do you Shane Lee Yaw/Dawson take Emma Jane Watkins to be your beloved wife through sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live, till death do you part?"

"I do." Shane said looking deeply into Emma's eyes

"And do you Emma Jane Watkins take Shane Lee Yaw/Dawson to be your beloved husband through sickness and in health for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live, till death do you part?"

"I do." Emma said looking deeply into Shane's beautiful blue orbs.

"If anyone for any reason does not allow the marriage of this beloved couple please speak now or forever hold your peace."

"If any of y'all say one word I won't hesitate to cut a bitch!" Shane said in his Shananay voice


"By the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wif e you may now kiss the bride!"

Shane kissed Emma with so much emotion it was their first kiss shared together as husband and wife.


12:43 pm

Gracie Lynn Yaw/Dawson was born at 7LBS 5OZ (A/N ounces) 16 inches long

12:48 pm

Macie Dawn Yaw/Dawson was born at 7LBS 7OZ 17 inches long.


"Mommy and daddy got you girls a surprise!" Emma said excitedly

"Open them up!" Shane said handing their now 4 year old twins (Mae who was an exact replica of her dad and Ms. Lynn who was an exact replica of her mom) two boxes.

When they opened the boxes they both pulled a shirt out that in big letters said "Big Sister".


3:49 am

Joseph Michael Yaw/Dawson was born at 6LBS 8OZ 15 inches long.

Emma finally has a family she can call her own.

Her biological mother found her number and decided to give her a call.

Her and Shane still do YouTube but a much more serious theme. Okay who are we kidding Shane still says the word cūnt more than he should with two almost 5 year old girls running around repeating every word they hear.

They're still in contact with Joey. Just recently Joey got married to someone everyone saw coming, Meghan. Because God damn there was so much sexual tension between the two you cut it with a knife.

Turns out Lisa was really pregnant and had a baby which she named after Corny. Cornelia Rose, Shane and Lisa decided it was time to break the ice and become friends as long as Lisa promised to not ruin Emma and his relationship.

Emma and Shane's relationship is stronger than ever and now Emma is thankful that she put up the suicide video, because Shane would have never contacted her and came all the way to Colorado to save her. Be her Superhero.

"My Superhero" Emma thought as she slowly started to fall asleep wrapped in Shane's hairy arms.



So that's the end I guess. It was fun writing even though it was shitty, overdramatic, dumb, and cheesy. Even when I was horrible at updating. I decided to end it bc I felt like it wasn't going anywhere, there may or may not be another book coming in the near future. Idk probably a 5sos or another YT book of some sort. No just to clarify I'm not leaving the YT fandom behind for what you guys might call boy bands. Btw 5sos isn't a boy band.

Twitter: @disn3yprinc3sss (I just realized that I had three s' and not just two. Whoops?)


Vine: Alexis Nicole

Snapchat: hay_volleyball

Kik: alexis_nicole_69 orrr shanesbae__69 (I'm probably more likely to answer on the 2nd one. )

I hope you had fun hanging with me, you're cute, good damn byeeeeee!! ✌️✌️

Ily even you guys never did comment or vote. Or maybe even read AN's. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well I'm too cool anyway ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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