To get into any school a vital requirement is to get registered before the thought of settling down crosses your mind. Getting into Wuse Heights was not different, it came with a whole basket of things to do; from locating the admission officer to going to the bank, taking passport,visiting the counsellor office for aptitude test and issuing of clearance form to the tiring and exhausting walk of locating teachers to sign you into their subject register.
When I think back to those days I just laugh because of all we had to do at once. A certain teacher called me a lazy student and in my defence I said "I'm not lazy, you will love me "Another teacher made me act like I was crazy because it was just impossible finding her. It's either I just missed her class or she wasn't anywhere close,but despite everything she still made it to the list of my favorite teachers in fact she became NO 1.Now lets meet our seven friends who'll take us through their experiences.
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Wuse Heights
Non-FictionCompleted Wuse Heights gives a glimpse of senior high school life. The joys, the pains, the fun, the struggle, the hook ups, the break ups and more. Seven very unique and distinct individuals with outstanding personalities bring to life what it m...