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Sandra ended year with a lot of things on her mind, one being her break up with Dickson. She got so overwhelmed with all that had happened within the last one year and it affected her greatly which made her early days of year two very rough. She hardly paid attention in class and seldom associated with people, Toyin and Dolapo inclusive. She recalled the beautiful days with Dickson and imagined what silly things they would have been doing or saying to each other. She was depressed, lonely and in need of love. She wanted Dickson back but at the same time she didn't want to get hurt "he hurt me so much, I loved him, still love him and would love to have him back in my life but I don't want to risk being heartbroken by the same guy again" she said.
Slowly she began forgetting about him and letting go of the past so that she could start living her life just the way she wanted. As Dickson made his gradual escape through her heart and mind she began to place priority on other things, she began to think on how to improve her grades, know more people, work on her personality and enjoy exciting moments with friends. The desire to improve her grades came as a result of her performance in year one, not that she performed poorly but wasn't as good as she had been prior to her admission into the school. Probably because she spent most of her time with Dickson.
With Dickson now out of the way, Sandra studied harder, made better grades and opened wide her arm of friendship to accepting new people into her life, one of her many new friends,Isabel became very close with her and the other two, Toyin and Dolapo. This closeness opened the door for her to join the group thereby making the trio a quad (Sandra, Toyin, Dolapo and Isabel)#The quad#
The quad was in a way very weird and unique because it had two of them tall (Sandra and Toyin) while the other two were short (Dolapo and Isabel) also two Christians and two Muslims, great mix. They sat in the same row of seats with each just behind the other. They were an amazing group of friends. They cared for each other and sometimes served as personal assistant to each other. Their lunch was always for the whole, no individualism. Whenever I visited their class I always went straight to their section because that was where the fun was.
While enjoying the company of her friends who had become family and have long forgotten about Dickson some busy bodies who wouldn't let sleeping dog lie decided to open up dead wound by bringing up the Dickson issue. She was painted black and accused of being the cause of their breakup "you just sat quietly and watched other girls flirt with him, you did nothing, nothing at all" they said angrily, like it was them who broke up with Dickson. "What did you expect me to do, sit him down and pull his ears or spank him. Tell me, I say tell me? (sobbing), I tried my best to make things... in fact there's no point explaining anything to anyone, you can think what you want" she said with little drop of tears already escaping her eyes. She felt really sad but that was when she knew that her friends had her back. They stood up for her and put those agents of guilt in their places. They guarded her integrity with all their hearts. Coupled with the rising Dickson problem was the Becky syndrome. Becky used to be a very sweet person back in year one but her entry into year two made her more of a control freak and attention seeking person than that sweet charming girl we knew. She loved the spot light and always wanted to be the center of attention, she just wanted to be noticed whenever she's in the midst of people, she wanted to be heard by all means even if she's being very unreasonable and unrealistic which she most times is.

Year two went on and on and Sandra began to realize her academic strength and weakness. She was good in most subjects but when it came to English language she would pray for the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She hated the class with all her heart and soul, not because of the subject itself though but the teacher, "mehn! She was just bad, in fact the worst English teacher I've ever come across in my entire life. Her entry into the class spells boredom and eventually sleep, she was that "good" at her job" she said. English class was always so boring bur the boredom immediately turned to joy and excitement when it was time for economics. She loved it as much as she hated English and would suspend the world just to make sure she doesn't miss the class.
Year two was great for Sandra, really great. She had no regrets.

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